Their Angel

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Their angel - ivna_jung

Title 3.5/5

The title is a little basic but it fits right to the context .

Perfectly though!

Blurb 2/5

It is vague to the story though it do showcase a particular event and starting of story. It would not attract according to the capacity and influence of story . It could be more interesting with a apt blurb and don't repeat the blurb to prologue it causes a certain uncertainty with the story though it won't affect much.

Cover 3/5

It need a little more blending for both colour gradient and pictures. The font is fab though.

First Chapter 2.5/5

I am sorry but the upcoming interesting chapter could have a overshadow though it served the beginning perfectly. You could perhaps give a interesting section between first chapter by jumbing to the other part in my preference it would have been nice if names where also included. It is stated like this because first chapter should be more intriguing than any other part whereas opposite is shown in here but it is a good attempt.

Grammar and Vocabulary 9/15

Well grammar is overall good though would recommend proofreading once in a while or when you face writersblock. It highly lacks vocabulary as the sentence seems basic and a little issue with punctuation marks. Overall it was easy to access the story but vocab would make it more standard. It would be better restraining from using signs to signify people it is confusing.

Pace 10/10

The pace was amazing . It had a good pace and not skipping description of important events was a good choice as it delivered it's duty in a good way and helped the readers to understand and appreciate it and met with the expectations as if it was the reflection itself of want readers want.

Plot 14/15 marks

The plot may be common though your attempt to make it unique performed wonders through the development and I appreciate the uniqueness.

Writing Style 9/10 marks

The writing style was best for the story . It was wonderful. It was bsic but it met the interest of readers.

Emotions 10/10

I felt elated when I read as it was intriguing and I felt emotions of character as much they were affected in the story and without much stretching a annoying event.

Character development: 9/10

Yes the characters developed in a significant way that was sure a must for the stories . They all had their own development with respect to their preferences.

Overall enjoyment: 10/10

It was amazing to read and Ioved it and I completed it in less than a day even in my hasty life.


The story was amazing and it lacked something that would make it interesting and being honest I was being sceptical of the story as the beginning was interesting but not like how it took turn from few chapters forward. I feel that maybe little merging of first 3 chapter and a representation of story both in prologue and blurb and giving signs a word like unknown 1 / stranger 1 , 1st man such that . But I really enjoyed it . You can contact me through DM if you need help with blurb or prologue.

Total - 82/100

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