He is Beautiful

31 4 19

Author: @Honeyrose2020

Reviewer:  Yoonkeeri

Cover - 3.5/5

•The cover is good, giving us a close-up of a young man with beautiful blue eyes, that is, Briar, one of the book's main characters.

•The image is clear, immediately capturing the viewer's attention.

•However, the tagline at the top left corner, "Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it!" is not very noticeable due to its small size. This could be easily overlooked by readers.

•Enlarging the text and choosing a bolder font or contrasting color could improve it well.

•The author's name at the bottom of the cover is not quite noticeable too. So, I feel like both the tagline and the author's name should be enlarged and changed into a more nicer font style.

Title - 3.5/5

•The title "He is Beautiful" is intriguing. It's simple and to the point, which can attract readers looking for a straightforward romance.

•However, it may not stand out strongly as there are some similar titles like this.

Blurb - 3.5/5

•The blurb for "He is Beautiful" did a better job than the title, introducing the main characters, Damian and Briar.

•It effectively raises the curiosity without giving too much away.

•However, there are so many errors and grammatical mistakes which makes the blurb a bit difficult to understand.

Character Development - 4/5

•The characters of Damian and Briar are well-crafted, with different personalities and backgrounds.

•Their development throughout the story is steady but sometimes, it feels a bit predictable.

•I feel like the secondary characters could be given more depth along with their own backgrounds.

Grammar/Vocabulary - 4/10

•I feel like the grammar and vocabulary used in this story is the main thing that drags down the enjoyment of reading the book.

•There are many errors that can disrupt the flow of reading.

•Some readers might lose their interest if the grammar or vocabulary used in a book is not quite good and can have them get confused.

•I also couldn't understand why the author uses italic type of font sometimes. I feel like it should be in a constant state of style with using only the normal font, or only italic or bold.

•The author's writing style is accessible but it lacks the polish which could make the narrative better.

•With some editing, it could be improved well.

Plot - 6.5/10

•This plot is quite new for me, full of romance, conflict and character growth.

•While it follows some common tropes from the romance genre, it still has a way that makes it feel fresh and enjoyable.

•But I do feel like it could get better, like sometimes, I feel like the pacing is too slow or too fast.

Overall Impression - 6.5/10

•"He is Beautiful" is a charming read with relatable characters and a good storyline.

•While it has many imperfections, it still has the potential to get better.

•If the author invests her time in the grammar/vocabulary part more, I feel like she might get a big hit with her book.

Final marks : 31.5/50

•Please don't be discouraged by this review.

•The purpose of this feedback is to solely help you improve.

•The reviewer has no intention of being harsh. We are all here to assist authors in enhancing their work.

•We hope this feedback helps you get better and not be demotivated.

Thank You!!

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