Phoenix - Consumption

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Author of the book :  YsmeriaGuilro

Reviewer :  Yoonkeeri

Title : 4/5

•The title "Phoenix - Consumption" was good and intriguing.

•The word "phoenix" represents the female lead, May, as if she is rising from the ashes, finding strength, and taking her revenge against the Condore family.

•It's intriguing, though I felt it could have been even better. Still, it was great.

Cover : 3/5

•The cover is good, giving us a glimpse of the wings of the phoenix bird, or shall I say May's wings? Haha😆 It's good.

•However, I think the author could improve it by adding a full picture of a phoenix, that is bright, vibrant, with fiery eyes and a dynamic background.

•The current cover looks a bit dull, and I feel it could be made more vibrant to attract more readers.

•A book cover is often the first thing readers see and a striking, well-designed cover can really impact their decision to pick up the book.

•The concept of using the phoenix in the cover is powerful and evocative. But by showcasing the phoenix in all its glory, you can better convey these themes and draw readers in.

•So, I suggest the author consider working on slightly remaking the cover or applying to one of the many graphic shops available here.

•Numerous talented artists specialize in creating top-quality covers and their works could give your book the visual impact it deserves.✨

•By enhancing the cover, you can create a more appealing and attractive first impression for more potential readers.♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡

Blurb : 4.5/5

•In my opinion, the blurb is pretty good and caught my attention very well.

•It gives a clear idea of what will happen in the story and perfectly describes the short summary of the plot.

•It's not too vague or too revealing. For me, the balance between giving enough information to interest the reader and not giving away too much seems to be well-handled by the author.

•However, I felt it could be a bit less cryptic while still maintaining the intrigue.

•So, my suggestion for a slight improvement could be to simplify the language slightly, ensuring that it's accessible to a broader audience. A clear and engaging blurb can be a powerful tool in drawing readers into the world the author has created.

•Overall, it managed to pique my curiosity and make me want to dive into the story, which is the primary purpose of a blurb.

Character development : 2.5/5

•Author, I will be real with you, but I think this is the area where you need improvement.

•Initially, the characters were great. I loved May, and especially her grandmother, who reminded me of my own, even though mine was quite the opposite of Nonna in this story.😆

•However, after chapter one, I felt that the character development stagnated. This might be due to the emotions of the characters not being portrayed effectively in the story.

•I thoroughly enjoyed the prologue, where Nonna and May's emotions were vividly expressed.

•But... When Ezio, the male lead, entered the story, the portrayal of the characters' emotions seemed to decline.

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