Bts Meets Fire Emblem

18 4 2

Bts Meets Fire Emblem  -  emilypoole977

Title 4/ 5

It is memorable but not too common yet it is simple. But it fit perfectly to the story

Blurb 2/5

Blurb is a high disappointment. It is too vague with just two lines . It doesn't attract to read the story. It do tells about story but it doesn't have coherence with the whole story or reflect the story enough.

Cover 5/5

It is attractive though basic , but fits perfectly .

First Chapter 4/ 5

The beginning of the story is unique. It  is based on game but there wasn't any problem in grasping the situation. It intriguied in a way to read.

Grammar and Vocabulary 10/15

It is a little basic yet it is suitable for a story which introducing a entirely new story but it is best. It doesn't have typis and all that, totally suitable for the story and it's theme.

Pace 10/10

Pacing was so good. It felt being the part of story and had good work directing the story.

Plot 15/15

People interested in emotions find the book so appealing and it spread a good work on the awareness of human emotion. The plot is good and unique even have good plot and twist which makes the readers enjoy the plot.

Writing Style 10/ 10

The writing wasn't fancy but was good and intriguing. The writing style is good and captivating giving the necessary concentration to the places readers would want.

Emotions 10/10

The author portrayed it significantly making the plot succed in wining the readers heart. It helped readers to understand and be happy with the progression. It had accurate impact on readers .

Character development 10/10

The characters had a smooth progression and development. Readers can see it vividly and enjoy it and was smooth

Overall enjoyment 10/10

In my view, readers would find it enjoyable even with no prior knowledge about the settings. It was so good experience reading it

Total - 90/100


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