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Author of the book: v_nuslvr
Reviewer:  Yoonkeeri

Title : 3/5

•The title is good and kind of intriguing.

•The term "rudiment" typically refers to the basic principles or elements of a subject, or something undeveloped or unformed. In this context, I think the first meaning applies but I am still not sure about the meaning behind it.

•Since the book is still unfolding, I don't yet understand why the title is "Rudiment," nor am I familiar with all the mythology involved.

•So I suggest the author use a subtitle to make the title clearer and more intriguing as some readers don't really know about any mythologies even though your plot was too good.

Cover : 1/5

•I am extremely sorry to say this, but the cover wasn't catchy or intriguing at all because it is just a picture of water representing Thalassa.

•Considering the well-plotted story, I feel the cover deserves more. It could feature visual images of Thalassa along with other characters or even more captivating pictures of water.

•Additionally, it doesn't have the book's title or the author's name, making it just a plain picture of water.

•As a reader, it doesn't intrigue me enough to want to dive into the book because the cover doesn't convey the strong power that the story holds.

•If the author has the time, I suggest editing a more fitting cover or applying for a graphic shop available on this app.

Blurb : 4/5

•The blurb is pretty good and intriguing, giving us a glimpse of Thalassa and the phrases she hears repeatedly.

•It tells us about everything that will happen, without being too vague or revealing, and is really understandable, truly conveying her life and how she never wants to be seen by her father and Zeus.

•However, I think it could be more descriptive of the challenges she might face after learning that Metis is going to take her revenge by using her and her other three friends.

•Additionally, adding some more phrases at the end of the blurb or making the questions at the bottom more interesting will do the trick.

•Overall, it's good and interesting. What I said is just a suggestion, and I also think you missed a question mark at the end.✨

Character development : 4.8/5

•The characters are well-developed and I'm in love with each of them.

•I don't have anything negative to say here because each character is unique in their own way, and I particularly enjoyed the interactions between the main four characters, especially between Thalassa and Luca.

•The author has made it enjoyable to feel the characters' emotions and I think she/he has done a great job with it.

•To be honest, as a reviewer, there aren't many books where I've seen characters developed really well like yours, so I don't think there's any need for improvements in that regard.

•However, as a suggestion, I do think adding some visual images of the characters would enhance the reading experience.

•Since I'm not familiar with mythology, I found it quite challenging to imagine their faces or appearance while reading the story.

•This could potentially be a bit of a barrier for new readers like myself, so I hope the author considers adding visual representations of the characters alongside the aesthetics available in the aesthetics chapter.⭐

Plot : 10/10

•The plot is fantastic!!!! ⭐⭐⭐

•As I mentioned before, this is my first time reading a Greek mythology book, and I'm truly fascinated by each character and the vast array of stories within the world of mythology.

•Seriously, it's really impressive and it's sparked my curiosity to the point where I want to learn everything, literally everything, about this world of Greek gods and their backstories.

•The entire plot was well-crafted, and I particularly loved how the author developed everything. It leaves me in awe of the wide range of ideas and stories the author has in her mind.

•I'm genuinely blown away, author. The pacing was also good, and I don't have any criticisms.

•Just keep writing, and I'll keep on reading. This is so good!!!

Grammar/Vocabulary : 9.5/10

•I really want to give the author a hundred rounds of applause for the great vocabulary used in this whole book.

•I was literally amazed at how many different types of new words she used in each chapter, and some of them I didn't even know existed, lol.

•If I could give more marks for the vocabulary part, I would give it a hundred out of a hundred, and everyone who already read the story knows how well the author deserves great praise for the vocabulary used.

•The writing was simple yet quite descriptive, intriguing yet not too cryptic, just right on point!!! ✨Again, a round of applause! It's really, really good!⭐

•However, there were a few spelling mistakes here and there, but they did not really affect the flow of my reading.

•So a small editing of the chapters will do even better.

•Overall, I am still surprised at the rich vocabulary and simple yet understandable grammar used throughout the storyline, along with many good dialogues and interactions between the characters.

Overall Impression : 10/10

•I really have nothing to say other than praising the author for her wonderful plot and vocabulary.

•And yes, the cover did get a low score, but I trust the author can make it even better in the future. I believe she can make one that is more appealing and intriguing! ⭐

•Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book. Considering this is my first time reading about Greek mythology, I'm glad I started with this book in that genre as it sparked my interest.

•Great job, author!!!✨⭐

Final marks : 42.3/50

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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