My arrogant coah

15 3 0

My arrogant coach -  fanfics0010

Title 3.5/5
The title is memorable and common but I have not read such type of stories .

Blurb 3/5
It is too vague and a little rushed up story background. It just describes a little but still matche with the pace of story. It do says about the book.

Cover2/ 5
Through a view it fit but it is basic and it hasn't showcased any editing and also doesn't fully reflect the story

First Chapter 2/5
The beginning of the book is different but pretty basic. I makes me feel pretty bland.

Grammar and Vocabulary 7/15
If it was fun fiction it could fit correctly but taking account to the rules it is not even average and there are all simple and usage of short form for even greeting. I understand that studies have it's impact but it need a good editing. There are communities which help writers.

Pace 8/10

The pace is too fast it needs a gradual  progression. It speeds up without a clear reason for it though there is a reason.

Plot 8/15
It is unique unlike other fanfiction but the plot lacks the necessary coherence. It need a good work on it.

Writing Style 6 /10
It doesn't intrigue to read more with the current writing style. Constant editing and moderation would help it.

Emotions 5/10
It do have portrayal of emotion but it doesn't strech to a more than average level. But yet there are times were some emotion were portrayed.

Character development 4/10
The story has not concentrated on character development. It is just event after event. It do show affection but other than that no particular development.

Overall enjoyment 5/10
It do have potential to be an exceptional story but it is need for a lot of work and more logic to it

Total - 53.5 /100

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