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It was a good weekend. For Ryujin, Weekends are meant for lying in her bed for a whole day doing nothing. But unfortunately due to her little sister Yuna's nagging, she decided to go out for a movie with Yuna and her friend Chaeryeong. Yuna left home early to buy tickets for the three of them and Ryujin was appointed to pick up Chaeryeong from her home. With a bit of laziness, Ryujin took her motorbike to pick up Chaeryeong. Chaeryeong was eagerly waiting for her at the doorstep.

"Hey Chaeryeong, I didn't expect you to be this eager to watch this boring movie" Ryujin said while smiling at her friend.

"Hi Ryujin, I was informed that someone wasn't interested in watching the movie today. So If I took a few extra minutes, this plan might be cancelled. So that's why I fixed myself before you got here." Chaeryeong replied with a teasing smile.

"Okay, I agree. I wasn't in the mood to go out today." Ryujin replied.

"It's not like we were hanging out each and every day. We were hanging out only once a month or once in a couple of months. And most of our plans were cancelled by one lazy person in our group. And I don't want to mention that person's name now." Chaeryeong said while crossing her arms.

"Okay okay, Just chill and come, Chaeryeong. The movie will be finished at the time we finish our arguments."

"You are such no fun, Ryujin. I wish you could find someone who will turn your Lazy side into an energetic one and make you preoccupied with a lot of fun components." Chaeryeong tapped Ryujin's Shoulders while sitting at the backside.

"Yeah, We could find that someone later. Now let's go and watch the movie first." Ryujin replied while driving them towards the movie theatre.

Ryujin and Chaeryeong were on their way to the Theater when suddenly Ryujin lost sight of the speed breaker ahead of her. Soon their bike collapsed on the road due to its uncontrolled speed. Surrounding people came and helped them get up and someone called emergency services to help them get admitted to the nearest hospital.

On the other side, Yuna was waiting for Ryujin and Chaeryeong at the theatre. Once it's time for the movie she loses her patience and calls Ryujin to confirm whether she cancelled their plan as usual or she is on her way. To her surprise, Ryujin wasn't picking up her call. It was unusual for her to ignore the calls. Even though Ryujin cancelled their plans 'n' number of times, she never once ignored Yuna's call. So she tried to call Chaeryeong instead and it was answered within two rings.

"Hey Chaeryeong, Where are You? Are you guys coming or not?" Yuna asked them with a bit of an urgent tone.

"Hi, Yuna. I think we couldn't watch the movie today." Ryujin replied with a sad voice.

"Why? What happened, Ryujin? Why are you answering Chaeryeong's Mobile? Is everything alright?" Yuna asked with a bit of tension.

"We met with a small accident on our way, Yuna. Currently, we are at SJ Hospital and Doctors are treating Chaeryeong."

"What? In hospitals" Yuna asked again to confirm.

"Yes, Chaeryeong broke her legs. So I think we have to admit her here for at least a week." Ryujin said with a low voice.

"Okay. I am on my way, Ryujin." Yuna disconnected her call and quickly rushed to the hospital.

To my dear DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now