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Yeji and Lia were shocked by the sudden noise from the board. But once they realised who was the reason behind it. It immediately broke a smile into them.

"Yes, I am always ready" Lia said with excitement. "But this girl over here needs some time to prepare herself." Lia points to Yeji.

"Sorry, I was busy." Yeji said scratching her neck.

"No Problem Unnie. We can wait till you get ready." Yuna said smiling at Yeji.

"Thank you." Yeji said smiling awkwardly.

"And where is Ryujin?" Lia asked breaking the silence. 'Maybe Lia is interested in Ryujin too.' Yeji thought to herself before getting ready.

"She is on her way. She will reach soon." Chaeryeong replied.

After a few minutes... Yeji came back after changing her uniform into something casual. They all were getting ready to leave when someone opened the door. Ryujin looked at Yeji with a shocked face, She saw Yeji in her uniform only. Seeing her in casual wear left Ryujin speechless. But since Lia was standing closer to Yeji, Yeji thought Ryujin was stunned seeing Lia. Fortunately, she was less offended this time. She already made up her mind that Ryujin was interested in Lia, so she shrugged it off.

The dinner at the restaurant was mostly filled with bickering between Shin sisters and both of them were annoying Chaeryeong to the core. All of them ended up in tears of laughter.

"Hey, that's my Pizza." Yuna started shouting and tried to grab the pizza from Ryujin's hand.

"This is the last piece left and you already eat a lot." Ryujin complained.

"No Pizza is my favorite. So I want it."

"No... I like pizza. Especially today it tastes great. So I don't want to share it."

Shin sisters again started to have another fight. They were about to grab their hair for the single piece of pizza.

"Hey stop it, guys. You are disturbing others. Give your pizza to your sister. Sharing is caring." Chaeryeong commanded them.

"See, Chae is always right. You have to share the pizza with me." Ryujin said with a smirk.

Yuna looked at them with a sad and confused face. Before she could open her mouth Chaeryeong continued, "I told you to share your pizza with Yuna. Not the other way around. You are the older one, behave like one. Stupid." and slapped lightly on Ryujin's shoulder.

"Yes, Chaeryeong is always right. Now give my pizza Unnie." Yuna exclaimed in excitement.

"This world is too unfair. Born as the older one was not my choice." Ryujin complained and shared her Pizza with Yuna.

Seeing Ryujin in a low mood made Yeji a bit sad. So she decided to share her pizza with Ryujin.

"Hey Ryujin, Please take mine. I haven't taken any bite in that yet." Yeji Shared her pizza with Ryujin.

Ryujin looked a bit surprised and a lot happier at that moment. Not because of the Pizza slice, but because of the person sharing it. Unfortunately, Yeji thought Ryujin was happy because of the pizza slice.

Ryujin's eyes were sparkling at the moment she received the pizza from Yeji. Yeji also has the beautiful smile one her face while giving that. They both had that smiling contest with each other ignoring others for a moment.

"Here take a half of mine." Unknowingly Lia interrupted the moment and shared half of her pizza with Yeji.

Yeji looked at Lia and happily took that piece and said "Thank you"

"I know you love the pizza as well. If you want more take mine fully or we can order one more." Lia said with a smile.

"No Lia, It's enough. I'm already full." Yeji replied with a smile.

Seeing their lovely conversation, Ryujin thought maybe, they two were closer than she previously thought and her chance of getting together with Yeji is impossibly low. It made a void in Ryujin's reaction.

Seeing Ryujin with a void expression, Yeji confirmed herself, Ryujin is more interested in Lia and the chance of her being closer to Ryujin is very low.

After their nice dinner, they were finally ready to go home.

"Thank you so much for the dinner Guys. We had a great time." Yeji said with a beautiful smile looking at the three friends.

"Yes, It's always only the two of us hanging around or having dates or watching movies. But having this group kind of vibe... I just love it... Thank you for inviting us." Lia said with an excited tone.

"You are always welcome to join us. We are happy to have another hang-out with you." Yuna said with her energetic voice.

"Thank you for treating me and spending a wonderful time with us. I am expecting your invite for our next hang-out thing." Chaeryeong replied with a smile. Suddenly Yuna has that bit of jealousy and nudges Chaeryeong's hand. Confused Chaeryeong looked at Yuna, but she just kept her smiling face.

"Yes, Unnies. Please plan our next outing soon. I'm hella excited. As Lia said It's so much fun to have a group outing." Yuna said.

"Sure, we will plan one soon." Yeji said giving a thumbs up at Yuna. Suddenly Yuna noticed the silent Ryujin standing near her, without speaking a word just looking at them occasionally at Yeji. Yeji also noticed the vibe change at Ryujin, she hardly stop herself from asking the question.

"Unnie" Yuna whispered enough for Ryujin to hear and ask her to say something.

Ryujin looked at her in confusion. "Yeji Unnie Suggesting for our next gathering. Any comments on it?" Yuna helped Ryujin by concluding their conversation.

Slowly Rujin's brain started to recover from the 'Lia and Yeji's dating thing' "Sure, we can go anywhere. Name a place or location we will go." Ryujin said with a smile.

'You look cute when you smile.' Yeji though again.

To my dear DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now