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Chaeryeong was a bit sad about being left alone in her room. But she can't complain or stop her friends from doing what they want to do. She keeps herself busy by doing her pending designs in laptop. She is a famous Architect designer and has her own branding company. So she has a lot of clients and has a lot of pending work to complete this month. Since she was in hospital, she decided to have one online team meeting and discuss a plan to complete those pending works before the timeline.

On the other side in the cafeteria. "Unnie, I am mad. I need one hot chocolate to console myself." Yuna said to the cashier in the cafeteria.

"Then make it two." Ryujin mentioned before dropping herself to the nearby chair.

"Why did Dr. Lia asks Chaeryeong to speak casually to her?" Yuna complained.

"Why did no one notice me there? I was in the same room. Yeji smiles at everyone but chooses to ignore my presence." Ryujin said and dropped her head.

"Why did Chaeryeong smile when Lia asked her to be casual." Yuna commented again.

"Why Yeji never spared a single glance at my side." Ryujin said, keeping her head low.

Those two were physically present in the same table, but mentally in their own disappointed moments. When they were busy complaining about their own life, In the corner of their eyes Yuna saw both Lia and Yeji were speaking with Dr. Jonghyun. Despite Yuna being frustrated by Lia's actions a moment ago she was happy to see those 3 people in the corridor. When she was about to approach those three, She could still hear Ryujin's complaint about Yeji. So she chose to stay in her place.

A few moments passed, still Yuna keeping her eye on those 3 and Ryujin frustratedly lying in the cafeteria table. Unexpectedly the 3 doctors having chit chat in the corridors choose to give a visit to the same cafeteria. Even Though she wished to expect those three to notice them, part of her prayed for them to not notice her and her sister in the cafeteria. Because she knows that those three people approaching them will spoil the mood of her sister.

But fate always runs in the opposite direction of our will right? Soon after giving their orders Lia was the first one to notice them.

"Hey there Yuna." Lia waves her hand at Yuna.

Regardless of being shocked and afraid of what will happen next, "Hi Lia." Yuna replied, showing her small smile.

Eventually those three decide to sit along with Yuna and Ryujin at the same time their orders are delivered to the table. Dr. Jonghyun took the hot chocolates and placed them in front of Yuna and Ryujin and smiled at them. Yuna reciprocated the smile and looked at Ryujin who still kept her head on the table in a lying position. She was about to complain about Yeji, but before she could open her mouth to complain Yuna nudged her.

In the more frustrated state Ryujin raises her head to notice the hot chocolate which is placed in front of her and a cute smile crept across her face. She took a small sip on her drink and turned to Yuna saying, "Hey there is no need for you to nudge me, just verbal information is fine. So that without any physical injury I can drink my drink." Once she fully turned herself to Yuna she noticed Yuna's awkward smile.

With a confused look she turned again to take another sip from hot chocolate and she noticed those three people in front of her. Her smile immediately dropped and the worst she was about to choke on her drink, immediately Jonghyun started to pat her head a bit to help her. She politely removed his hand from her head and said, "Thanks for the help Doctor." Ryujin said and bowed her head.

'She is Cute.' Yeji thought to herself and smiled at Ryujin's multiple reactions in mere seconds.

Even though Ryujin was in the worst mood for the past hour, seeing Yeji's smile made her smile again. They were discussing a lot of things while Ryujin was quite drinking her Hot chocolates.

"So How is Chaeryeong doing?" Dr. Jonghyun asked.

"She is doing fine, Doctor. Actually we are planning to remove her plasters tomorrow and probably discharge her." Lia said even before Yuna could open her mouth. This again irritated Yuna but she chose to ignore the feeling because she doesn't want to spoil the moment.

"Great, She is recovering fast. Healthy Kid." Dr. Jonghyun commented again.

"By the way, are there any chances for you to accompany us, while removing the plaster from Chaeryong's leg tomorrow." Yuna asked them in a hopeful voice.

"Sorry Yuna, I have an imported schedule tomorrow. So I couldn't present. But I think Yeji and Lia will accompany you." Dr. Jonghyun replied with a small smile.

"Yes, Count me in. I will be present as her doctor. And I hope You are free to accompany me?" Lia said, looking at Yeji.

"No, I think I have to assist with one important surgery tomorrow morning. Sorry I can't come." Yeji said looking at Lia and Dr. Jonghyun .

"No problem, we can remove the plaster once you are done with the operation. Now you can attend right." Yuna asked again.

"Yes maybe." Yeji replied.

"Then It sounds good. We can schedule the final checkups based on it. And sorry Guy's I am running late for my important meeting. So I am leaving now. Have a great day all." Dr. Jonghyun said with a bright smile looking at those four girls before leaving. They all reciprocated the smile.

After a few minutes Both Lia and Yeji left the table to do their regular routine. So Both Yuna and Ryujin decide to visit Chaeryeong with her favorite Ice-cream, Since they left their injured friend alone for more than an hour.

To my dear DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now