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"That was a small ankle sprain. So it was obvious she is recovering soon. What's with his amusing face?" Ryujin muttered in a low voice.

"Then why did you argue with the Hospital to admit her here for a week, if it can be easily healed?" Yuna asked.

"Again you are taking side with him?" Ryujin asked in a bit of a high tone.

Yuna was startled with the sudden voice change of her sister's voice. "No I am not." Yuna said with a low voice almost like crying.

Ryujin regrets raising her voice at Yuna. None of them spoke another voice till they reached Chaeryeong's room.

Chaeryeong was busy with her meetings in the room. So both the sisters were silently staying in the room. Ryujin looked at Yuna who was still in a down mood due to the past conversation.

"Hey Yuna, Here is your favourite strawberry ice-cream." Ryujin handed the ice-cream with a sweet smile.

Yuna looked at her with a confused face. "And sorry for raising my voice earlier." Ryujin continued with the small voice.

Not wanting her sister to worry, Yuna flashed a smile and said "I am not taking sides with him. But I love dad as much as I love you."

"Thank you for inviting Yeji tomorrow." Ryujin said with a smile.

"Anything for you sis."

"So You two are starting to keep secrets from me." Chaeryeong asked.

They both turned to the Chaeryeong side. She was done with all her meetings.

"Oh Chaeryeong, all your meetings were done?" Ryujin asked her friend.

"Yes, Sadly I was left alone in this room. I was bored and didn't have anyone to speak to. Thanks to that I finished all my work in that free time." Chaeryeong said in a sulking mood.

"We thought Lia would accompany you." Yuna said before Ryujin open's her mouth.

"Why would Lia give company to me?" Chaeryeong asked in confusion.

"Because you both were in casual terms right, So I thought you two are close." Yuna replied.

Chaeryeong was even more confused with Yuna's statement. "Lia is my Doctor and there's nothing more." Chaeryeong said with even more confusion before turning her head to Ryujin. Yuna was relieved from Chaeryeong's statement. But unfortunately Chaeryeong was even more confused with Ryujin's daydreaming smile.

"What is wrong with you people?" Chaeryeong asked, looking at the Shin sisters.

"It's nothing, Chaer. Here is your favourite ice-cream." Yuna handed the ice-cream with a smiling face.

"Weird. But I am glad you are back to normal. Now tell me what is going with your sister?" Chaeryeong asked.

"Nothing Chaer. We are planning to remove your plaster by tomorrow and..." Before Yuna could finish her sentence "Yeji will be here tomorrow for the plaster removal." Ryujin said with a smile.

"I was supposed to say, we can go home tomorrow." Yuna protested.

"Really wow. I miss seeing my legs. Oh my baby." Chaeryeong said, patting her plastered leg softly.

"Hey, Chaer. Yeji is coming tomorrow." Ryujin said with a smile which showed her whiskers dimples.

"Oh My baby is smiling. Definitely she fell in love deeper and deeper." Chaeryeong said, clapping her hands.

"Finally my sister is in Love." Yuna said excitedly.

"Wait.. But how did she agree to be present here?" Chaeryeong asked, confused.

"Actually Dr. Shin helped us." Yuna said with a smile.

"What Dr. Shin? But How?" Chaeryeong asked again.

Yuna explained the series of events that happened in the cafeteria. Obviously ignoring the fact she complained about Chaeryeong, Just from the moment those three came for a chit chat, Lia asked Yeji to accompany her during the plaster removal. And with no other options finally Yeji agreed to visit them.

"Wow, So tomorrow is Ryu's day. We have to plan something to help her get close to Yeji." Chaeryeong said with a thinking face.

"I have an idea." Yuna said with an exciting tone.

"What?" both elders asked in unison.

Yuna shows the marker in her hand. Both Ryujin and Chaeryeong looked at her in confusion. "Let's write Ryujin unnie's number in the plaster. So while Yeji unnie removes the plaster she will notice the number and call. And they will live happily ever after." Yuna said in a dreaming mode.

"Hey Yuna, stop with your nonsense. I don't wanna bother Chaeryeong. She has already helped me a lot." Ryujin said in a disappointed tone.

"I like this idea. Actually it's cool." Chaeryeong said with the same excitement as Yuna.

"Are you okay with this plan?" Yuna asked Chaeryeong again for confirmation.

"Yes, 200% anything for my Bestie." Chaeryeong said, placing her hand on Ryujin's shoulder.

"Thanks, Chaer. Love You." Ryujin said with her whiskers dimples.

"You look cute when you smile."

To my dear DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now