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After a few more days Ryujin regularly visited her friend in hospital, just to see Yeji in the corridors or having small chats with Lia in the cafeteria. Yuna stayed with Chaeryeong saying she has no class for that week and also Chaeryeong will feel lonely if she has no one to talk to. But there is no progress in Ryujin's multiple plans to get closer to Yeji. Whenever Ryjin tries to approach Yeji, she must be busy with either Lia or some other stuff. So she doesn't have the tiny bit of chances to approach Yeji.

Finally tomorrow is the day to remove the plasters from Chaeryong's leg. Ryujin visited Chaeryeong in the hospital. She was sitting in the hospital bed with a laptop in her lap, probably having some client call, while bored Yuna was sleeping in the chair which was placed closer to Chaeryeong's bed. Chaeryeong occasionally takes a look at sleeping Yuna in between her calls. Once Ryujin entered the room, She sat quietly near Yuna.

In a few minutes Chaeryeong was done with her call and closed her laptop to look at her friend.

"Sorry Chaeryeong." Ryujin said with a faint smile.

"For what?" Chae asked in confusion.

"Because of me, you have to be in the hospital room for a week." Ryujin said again.

"No problem. I am happy to help you." Chaeryeong replied with a smile.

"Because of me, you have to endure this all. I must be selfish to force you to admit here."

"Hey Ryujin, What happened dude? I am perfectly fine with being admitted here. It must be lonely to be in my home all alone, but see here I have Yuna to accompany me all day and your regular visits as an excuse to see Yeji. It's a lot of fun and I am happy about all of this." Chaeryeong replied.

"But still there is no hope for me to get closer to Yeji. I think it's time for me to stop these things." Ryujin said and looked down.

"Hey it's Okay. good things take time." Chaeryeong said while hugging Ryjin and letting her wipe all her worries.

"What's happening here?" Yuna's voice from behind startled them while she rubbed her eyes.

"I just closed my eyes for a few seconds and you are hugging each other. Unnie don't steal my girl, go chase after yours." Yuna complained in half sleep and fully awake from what she blurted.

"Don't steal my girl? How could you call your sister your girl?" Chaeryeong asked in an innocent tone.

"So Dumb Chaeryeong." Ryujin started to tease Chaeryeong while Yuna was blushing.

To interrupt their commotion someone opened their room door. To Ryujin's surprise it was none other than Yeji and Lia.

"Hi Guys, How are you feeling Chaeryeong?" Lia asked and approached Chaeryeong.

Yeji flashed a smile at Yuna and walked with Lia. Ryujin stands there feeling invisible to their eyes.

Once Lia checked Chaeryeong's report and everything, "Seems everything is good. We can remove your plaster tomorrow and you can walk on your own again." Lia said with her smile.

"Thank you Doctor." Chaeryeong with a smile.

"Hey I already said right, No formalities just call me Lia."

"Sorry, Thank you Lia." Chaeryeong replied with a beautiful smile.

"You have a beautiful smile." Yeji said, looking at Chaeryeong.

"Thanks." Chaeryeong was happy but her two friends were definitely not happy in the conversation, both looked mad.

"Okay Guys see you later." With that both Yeji and Lia left the room and went for their rounds.

Before Chaeryeong opens her mouth Yuna pulled Ryujin saying, "Unnie, I am very hungry. Let's grab something from the cafeteria." They all left the room leaving Chaeryeong alone.

To my dear DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now