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'Did I cross my boundary? Why am I being this clumsy?' Yeji Scholded herself for the thousandth time in the last hour. 'Clearly, Ryujin doesn't want us to be there. Maybe she doesn't want only me. But why am I crossing that boundary and acknowledging myself as their friend? I must be an idiot.' Yeji took a long sign at the same time Lia entered the room.

"Hey Yeji.." Lia's excitement was soon replaced with sadness as she continued, "What happened with this worried look? Are you alright?"

"Nothing much Lia. Just work stuff." Yeji managed to reply with a smile.

Lia knows Yeji from their college days, But she had never once witnessed this kind of frustration from the older one. But choose to ignore it.

"So why are you so excited?" Yeji asked Lia.

"It's been a while since we went for a proper dinner night. We were usually busy with our shift and work kind of things right? So I am excited to have a hangout today." Lia told with her full smile.

"Liar" Yeji said as she looked at Lia with a judgemental look.

"Hmm?" Lia questioned her back.

"If my memory is good, we have our lunch daily together. Doesn't it count as a hangout with friends?" Yeji crossed her arms.

"Are you serious? Having lunch at our cafeteria is a hangout for you? I am not saying the food is not that good. Actually.. it's better even the best. But how could we call that a gathering or hangout? We just had lunch together in our workplace." Lia replied.

"Then what about the dinner we had last weekend in 'Brew Heaven cafe'?" Yeji asked crossing her arms.

With Yeji's look and her posture, Lia realised she offended her. So she doesn't want to trigger the furious dragon before her. Yes, Normally Yeji will look like a cute kitten, but if she is triggered on the wrong side she will become a furious dragon which will end you in a matter of seconds.

"Hey don't be jelousy, I wasn't saying we haven't had any proper hangouts. It's always the two of us visiting places and trying new foods and all. But now we have a group of people. So I am excited." Lia said with a smile.

Partially convinced Yeji nodded her head. To change the topic and reduce the tension Lia asked, "So tell me why you were worried?"

"No I am not." Yeji replied with a confused face.

"I clearly saw your face while entering the room. You looked worried. Is there anything that bothering you?" Lia asked again.

"No... Actually Yes..." Yeji said and looked down. Lia waited for her to continue.

"What if I skip this dinner hangout? Is it Okay for you if I just went home?"

"What? Why are you skipping it?" Lia asked confused.

"I think I overcommitted myself. I shouldn't agreed to this plan." Yeji replied.

"But a few hours before you were too bold to commit, and now you want to back out? What changed in this couple of hours." Lia asked again.

"Actually I missed noticing my schedule. I have one important thing to take care of. Just now I noticed. Sorry, I couldn't cancel that plan." Yeji said with an awkward smile.

"Oh really" Lia said. "I have one small work to finish. I will be back in a few minutes." Lia said and left the room.

After Lia left her alone, She was again lost in her own thinking world. 'Why can't I deny that plan morning itself? Why am I making lame excuses to ditch this hangout? Can't I be friends with them? They seem nice people, Being with them will be funny. As Lia said, It's always only two of us. We studied in the same college and spent our time together from the Cafeteria to the Library. There were none, Only us. It's a golden opportunity to finally have a proper group to hang out with. But I am not comfortable with having more people around. What If I do something embarrassing or worse cross my boundary again?' Yeji's train of thought was interrupted by the person who opened the door loudly.

"Hey Yeji, I have a good news. Your schedule will be moved, You will be free to hang out with us today." Lia said with a smile.

"What?... No wait... How?" Yeji asked her in confusion.

"Yes, You are free tonight. Dr Jonghyun already approved for us to leave tonight. We can go for dinner today. I am excited." Lia said clapping her hand.

"But How?"

"We requested Dr Jonghyun to assign our task to our colleagues or postpone it to the next day. He happily accepted it. Luckily we don't have surgery or a major checkup tonight. So it was easy to postpone. And Yuna helped a little." Lia smiled at Yeji. But Yeji looked down. Lia got confused, she thought her friend would be happier about it. But seems Yeji was sad.

"Lia, Actually I don't have any imported things to do today. I was embarrassed to hang out today. I think crossed the boundary today. I don't want to interrupt their fun time." Yeji said and looked down.

"Hey Yeji What are you saying? You didn't cross the boundary and they are happy for us to join them today." Lia said while looking at her friends.

"Are you sure? I am not a burden for them?" Yeji's words were cut by the sudden sound of the door.

"Hey Guys are you ready?" Yuna asked while burst opening the door.

"Hey Yuna, Lower your voice. They are scared." Chaeryeong said and followed Yuna inside the room.

To my dear DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now