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After some time Ryujin gets out of their room in the name of buying some snacks to see none other than Yeji.

"I can't believe that finally Ryujin is in Love." Chaeryeong exclaimed with a full smile.

"Yes, Chae. After losing everything She once loved in her life and literally everything in her life changed in this past decade, I convinced myself that she will no longer love anyone in her life. But surprisingly She fell in love again. I am so happy for her." Yuna replied with the same happiness.

"Don't lie Yuna. I know she loves you. Don't say she forgot to love anyone in life." Chaeryeong replied while crossing her arms.

"No I didn't mean to say she forgot to love others, I know she Loves me as her sweet sister and you as her best friend. But she doesn't let anyone else in her circle. And I always worried about the same. Now finally she found someone to open her heart..." Yuna's words were cut-off by the door opening sound.

Both Yuna and Chaeryeong turned their attention to look at the sad Ryujin standing at the doorstep and slowly moving towards Chaeryeong's bed.

"Hey, What happened Ryujin? Hope everything is fine?" Chaeryeong asked with a worried tone.

"I went to see Yej.. Sorry I went buy us some snacks right. When I went to Cafeteria I saw both Dr Yeji and Dr. Lia there. They were happily chatting and eating there..." Ryujin stopped and looked down.

"Ow.. My cute sister. Are you feeling jealousy on the first day itself?" Yuna started to tease her sister.

"It's not like I'm feeling jealous. I just wanted to have a small chat with her. But unfortunately Dr. Jonghyun came, and they were discussing something. Yeji looked a lot more excited in their conversion. So without interrupting them, I silently left that place without any sound." Ryujin said in one motion.

"Dr. Jonghyun?" Chaeryeong asked again.

"Yes, Dr. Jonghyun came." Ryujin replied again.

"He is the owner of this Hospital. Do you expect him to not visit his own hospital?" Yuna asked while raising her brows "At least you should give your greetings to him while meeting."

"I wish to give my greetings to him, but unfortunately seeing him like that made me feel uncomfortable and sad. So I quietly left that place before any of them noticed me." Ryujin replied with the verge of tears.

"Hey, It's Okay. Don't think anything negatively. We are here with you." Chaeryeong said while placing her arms on Ryujin similarly Yuna followed the same gesture in another shoulder.

"Hey Sister, we had one conversation while you left. Chaeryeong said you love us. Is that true?" Yuna asked in a serious tone.

"Is that even a question?" Ryujin asked.

"Answer man. We need an answer." Yuna said while looking into her face.

"No, My Love is only for Yeji." Ryujin replied with a smile.

"Wow, I think Dr. Yeji did some magic or strange medicine to my sister. That's why she is behaving like this." Yuna replied while crossing her mouth.

"Don't worry Yuna, You will find someone who will love you unconditionally right Chaeryeong." Ryujin said while nudging Chaeryeong.

"So you are confirming that you don't love us?" this time Chaeryeong asked in a serious manner which scared Ryujin a little.

Ryujin looked at sad Yuna's face and said, "I am just kidding. I love my sweet little sister and best friend. They are the strong pillars of my life. Love you guys" Ryujin made a small hand heart with her answer.

"We love you too" they both said in unison and did a group hug.

"I'm saved." Ryujin said in a mischievous tone while hugging back.

To my dear DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now