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Julie was returning home after a successful concert at the club. Today they were on top, a couple of managers even took her contacts to get in touch and discuss cooperation. The day ended wonderfully.
And only one thing bothered Julie's thoughts. The hatch. She tried again to ignore his glances in her direction, but again she failed. And she just succumbed to it. Besides, she never dared to talk to him. She was afraid to change anything between them. Julie could only hope that Luke wouldn't ask her about the song again and forget about it.
The girl looked up and saw Luke standing at the door of her house. It looked like he was waiting her. And apparently he didn't forget anything.
- Julie... - The guy spoke first.
- Luke? I thought you were with the guys.
- No, I... I want to talk to you.
- Julie held her breath, she wasn't ready to lie again, but she couldn't talk about her feelings either.
- Something happened? You look upset.
- Did you tell him?
And again this question, and again the worries, the girl sighed and looked away from the guy so that he could not see her confused face.
- Why do you care so much about this?
- I'm afraid of losing you.
Julie looked into Luke's eyes, trying to figure out what he was really feeling right now, but his gaze was upset, he was really worried.
- It's not going to happen. You know how important you guys and the band are to me. - Julie tried to calm Luke down.
- And that's all that matters?
- I don't understand you...
- I'm just... When we sang together today, I think I finally realized something. I knew this before, but denied it, it seemed to me that it was not possible.
- Luke...
- Please listen to me. - Luke took the girl's hand. Julie was a little taken aback, but she didn't let go of his hand. - When you ignore me during a performance, I just go crazy. Like the time we performed at your house. I tried in every possible way to draw your attention to me, but you eluded me and then at the moment when I finally achieved this... I was incredibly happy. - Luke smiled at Julie.
- You can't imagine how hard it is to ignore you.
- But you're doing it, and it's really driving me crazy. - Luke touched Julie's face with his hand. - I want to say... I can't put into words how I feel when you're around. - Luke leaned over to Julie and covered her lips with his own. She kissed him back and he pulled her closer to him.
Julie didn't know what she was doing, but she leaned forward, unable to cope with it. But she didn't want to. And only after a couple of moments, she pulled away.
- Wait...
- Don't tell me I shouldn't have done that.
- I have to tell the guy I like about a song written just for him. - Luke looked at Julie blankly. - The song is about you.
- I already thought, wait...
- I wouldn't have said that if you hadn't kissed me.
If I hadn't kissed you, we would've continued to pretend that we were just friends?
- Probably.
- I'm glad I did it.  And Luke kissed Julie again.

Julie and the Phantoms: band backWhere stories live. Discover now