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Julie spent the whole night trying to come to her senses and come up with something, but in the end she only fell asleep late and was late for school. All the classes today were flying past her thoughts, she couldn't concentrate. And she constantly felt Nick's gaze on her. It was even more distracting.
In the noisy hallway of the school, it seemed possible to go unnoticed, but Julie was unlucky, she still ran into Nick.
- Hi, Julie! How are you? You look tired.
- Nick! Yes, a little bit, a lot of things piled up somehow at once, by the way, now I need to run, bye. - Julie was about to run away, but Nick stopped her.
- Julie, are you avoiding me?
- No, of course not, what makes you think that?
- After the dance lesson, you ran away and didn't come near me anymore. Did I do something wrong?
- Yes... I mean no, no... Don't you remember what you said?
- Honestly... I don't remember, it's like a void in my head.
- Unbelievable... - Julie whispered to herself.
- I'm sorry if I offended you.
- You don't have to apologize for something you don't remember. It's not important, it's just... Just forget it.
Julie wondered again if she was talking to Nick now or if it was someone else. Maybe last time it was still the same Nick and the problem is actually in her head. Maybe she made it up?
- I hope you won't avoid me anymore.
- Oh, I'll try.
- Thanks... - Nick smiled and left the girl alone with her thoughts.
Julie felt something like anxiety growing inside her again. The girl took a deep breath and exhaled. Nothing is known, she and the guys are still safe and in any case they will be able to cope with everything.
- Julie, what happened again? - Flynn walked over to the girl who was standing in the middle of the hallway and staring at one point.
- Nick doesn't remember anything he said to me then.
- Weird...
- I know. Also, a conversation with Trevor tomorrow, he clearly understood everything. - Julie shook her head. - I'm tired...
- Can we go out tonight, just you and me? Come on, you need it.
- It would be great, really, but today I can't, I need to do one important thing in time.
- What kind of importance is this?
- I can't tell you yet, because I'm not sure I'm doing the right thing.

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