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The next day at school, Julie tried to avoid any contact with Nick as much as possible. She was scared of the unknown, but worst of all, she was scared of the guy himself.
However, it was quite difficult to avoid meeting him. As luck would have it, they had several lessons together today.
But Julie diligently disappeared from sight every time Nick wanted to approach her. And now Julie was standing at her locker and looking around warily.
Fortunately for her, she only noticed Flynn, who was approaching her at a brisk pace. The girl seemed to be dissatisfied with something.
- Jules, what's the matter? You've been running away all day, I don't even have time to talk to you.
- I'm avoiding Nick, if you see him, please let me know.
- Don't you think it's too much? It's one thing to refuse a date, it's quite another to pointedly ignore a person.
- That's not the point. Something strange is happening to him.
- When have you ever been scared of oddities, girl? Have you forgotten that you play in a band of ghosts?
- Can you keep your voice a little quieter about this? - Julie whispered faintly. Flynn rolled her eyes. - Nick knows that guys are ghosts - Julie added in the same whisper.
- What!? - Flynn said it so loudly that everyone turned to look at them. All she could do was smile awkwardly. - How does he know? - The girl lowered her voice to a whisper.
- He has something to do with Caleb. But it's just possible that we haven't figured it out completely. But the truth is, no one knows where Caleb is now. It scares me terribly and I worry about the guys.
- What will you do?
- I don't know... - A veil appeared in the girl's eyes and her eyes watered.
Flynn hurried to hug her friend to calm down, it was the only thing she could do, right now she couldn't find the right words.
- You can handle everything, you know that, right?
- Sometimes I forget that. - Julie wiped the tears from her eyes, took a deep breath, and finally smiled. - Everything will be fine.
- This is already my girl! - Flynn hugged Julie tightly again. And as soon as she pulled away, she noticed that Julie was looking somewhere with a smile on her face.
- What's there?
- Luke.
- Ah, that's what's the matter, or rather who's the matter... The one who "he's not my boyfriend".
- Actually... - Julie continued to smile. - Now it is exactly like that.
- Jules? What?
- We'll talk later, I need to go to him. - And Julie ran away.
Flynn stood in complete disbelief at everything that was happening. But she smiled sharply. There was a lot she didn't understand, except for one thing. Her friend was happy, and Flynn was happy for her.

Julie and the Phantoms: band backWhere stories live. Discover now