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Julie had been alone in her room for a long time. She was very angry at the guys. But analyzing their conversation more and more, she realized that their quarrel would not help them protect each other, but would only distance them.
The girl went down to the garage, hoping that the boys were there. In fact, she was terrified she wouldn't find them there. But as soon as she saw them, she felt calmer.
- What's the matter with you guys? - Julie went into the garage and saw that the guys were lying on the couch and staring at the ceiling.
- We're upset. - They said in unison.
- And none of you even came up to me.
- I tried, they wouldn't let me in.  Luke complained. - Wait, you're not mad at us anymore?
- Not quite... But, I decided that we can't quarrel over something that we don't fully understand. Right?
- Julie, forgive us. We're jerks. - Luke looked at the girl sadly. - Alex told us something, you're probably right.
- Something?
- Caleb is missing, no one knows where he is. - Alex told.
- Why didn't you mention this before?
- I don't know! It seemed to me that we had passed this, and he would not bother us anymore.
- Caleb is not that simple, he will never forget it. - Luke said, shaking his head. He looked back at the boys and Julie. - If something is really going on, we need to stick together.
- Then don't leave me here alone. You both go somewhere all the time! - Reggie was indignant. - Now I'm going to feel bad every time, and I'm going to think that Caleb is going to curse me again.
- Don't be dramatic, we won't let this happen. - Alex calmed the guy down.
- We all need a distraction. - Julie smiled. - I think I have an idea. - The guys looked at her questioningly. - We'll put on a show tomorrow night, record it on video, put it on the Internet, remind ourselves again and I'm sure someone will contact us.
- And then even more concerts. - Luke smiled.
- Crowds of fans! - Reggie looked dreamily at the ceiling!
- And even more new songs. - Alex winked at Julie.
- This is already in our spirit!

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