chapter 5

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: ・゚: Johnny: ・゚:

I flung myself onto my bed, awaiting Anastasia to get home so that we could suffer at our family dinner together.

I pulled myself into a sitting position, resting my back against the headboard of my bed.

I gently palmed my thigh, trying to ease the pain in my groin.

Turning my attention to my phone, I answered my rugby team who were currently spamming our group chat.

However, my attention wasn't on my phone long, as I heard the bathroom door open, making my head snap up.

I locked eyes with Anastasia who was wearing nothing but a white fluffy towel, her hair wet and dripping down her shoulders.

Jesus fucking christ.

Her cheeks flushed pink as I dragged my eyes down her body, not stopping until I reached her feet.

I had seen Stas in bikinis many times but something about this situation felt different. Knowing there was nothing underneath that towel had my heart rate increasing.

"Sorry! I had to use your shower Claire's in mine," Stas blurted out, breaking me from my trance.

"That's okay Stas, you know you're always welcome in here," I assured her with a smile.

"Okay well I'm just going to grab my clothes," She muttered, walking towards the bed where I could now see a pile of her clothes.

She grabbed each item and then stopped in her tracks.

"Johnny?" She mumbled.

"Yeah?" I replied, leaning forward.

"Have you seen my underwear?" She blushed, looking on top of the bed.

My eyes widened, also searching the bed before they fell on the floor where a scrap of black lace was.

Black lace.
Oh my god.

"The floor Stas," I pointed, making Anastasia glance to the item.

She quickly snatched them up, turning bright red.

"Never speak of this again," She scolded before speed walking to the bathroom and shutting the door.

I tried to go back to texting my mates but all I could think about was Anastasia in black lacy underwear.

I'm completely fucked.

Anastasia reappeared from the bathroom five minutes later in a grey sweater and jeans.

"Sorry for leaving my underwear on your floor," She grinned, joining me on my bed.

"It's grand Stas. There's worse things than having your underwear on my floor," I joked.

"Claire's here for dinner," Stas informed me.

"Gibs will probably show up as well," I laughed, knowing my best friend had no boundaries.

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