Outsourcing Friends Can Lead to Awkward Encounters

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Part 1: College Life Sent Ryan Ross to Cast me into a Spiral

Part 1: College Life Sent Ryan Ross to Cast me into a Spiral

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Monday, September 4th

It was my first day at University, I had just moved to LA from England hoping to pursue music and a Creative Writing degree. After looking through various Universities in England and the US, I found "The Los Angeles Institute of Academics and Learning", we just call it Lial for short. It was renowned for pumping out accomplished authors one by one and getting them started in the writing business. I travelled here alone and was nervous being far from home, so out of my depth. My flight had arrived late Monday 3rd of September, and I had only just unpacked, missing the campus tour the day prior.

As I walked about the campus, brochure in hand, I struggled to navigate the large buildings and gardens. It was beautiful, like something you'd see on TV but never imagined to be real. People were walking about and chatting, all with numerous books in hand trailing off to their various classes.

I look down at my schedule. 'It says the assembly meeting is through here' I thought, staring at a foreboding set of oak double doors in front of me. I take a deep breath in and go to open them, just as I do, they swing open and a teacher stares me down.

"If you are supposed to be here I'm afraid you're late, don't let it happen again." A large figure of a man stood looming over me, holding the door open for me to pass. It wasn't the warm welcome I had hoped for but that quickly changed upon entering.

People looked behind their seats to see if anyone important had walked in, before quickly turning the other way and resuming to listen to the meeting to discuss the school year. I take a seat at the back and a girl a few rows ahead beckons me forward in a hushed voice.

"Psst, you can come sit by me." She breathed airly, trying to not draw attention. I stood back up and slowly slinked my way forward and thanked her quietly.

"Dont mention it", she whispered in my ear, "Grace", she held out her hand for me to shake it, I grabbed her hand and smiled back, "Y/N", I responded, relieved at having made a friend, regardless of if it were out of pity.

I listened to the assembly and looked around at all my future classmates, we all had slightly different English Majors but we were all in the same department, and would regardless share some lectures. There were all types of people, as I scanned the room, one guy stuck out to me. He was wearing this dorky fedora and brown vest as he sat in the back row, he was slender and long, which was really the best way to describe him. Not tall, but rather, long . He looked like such a dork, I thought, and chuckled to myself.

The meeting was concluded and we were all excused, most of us being given 20 minutes before having to show up to our first classes to allow us time to socialise and get to grips with things. I stood up with Grace and walked with her out of the assembly hall. I checked my schedule again, desperately trying to commit it to memory.

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