35. Adam

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It's been weeks since I last saw Amy. I miss her crazily. I never knew a person would affect me so much. I miss her presence, her company, the food she cooks, her talks, her passion for designing, everything. I just miss her. I need to see her. I need her right in front of me. I want her in my eye range. It's getting difficult for me to concentrate on my work. My mind is constantly on her. What she would be doing? Will she be cleaning, cooking or drawing? or is she watching something on TV?  

Dan clears his throat pulling me out of my thoughts. "Sir, here is the file you asked." He says and gives me the file.

I let out a heavy sigh. The new project on which my company and Brents have been working is complex as it's project from government. It need to be done accurately. I am struck in the meetings one after another. Be it government bodies or suppliers. As Clark group and Brent group are leading this project. I have meeting with Anthony also. He and Page are now openly displaying their relation. It doesn't matter to them what the world is talking about them. Since the news got old, everyone tends to forgot about it, as there are many interesting celebrities' scandals coming in the light. Everyone can forgot, not me. The pain and suffering Amy felt because of them. Seeing them being so carefree, made me mad. I wanted to cancel the collaboration. It was Amy who stopped me. She told me to think about my company and my employees. As a leader, I am responsible and accountable to them. She told me to focus on my work and not at them. This project is very important, I should not loose my calm for those people.

I complete the work. I stretch my hand, close my laptop and close my eyes. I am alone in the hotel room. I miss home, for the first time, I feel to go back to home. It all cause of one person. Amy. She doesn't know the power she has on me. As each days goes by, my feeling or her grows deeper and deeper. 

Dan knocks on the door. I open the door. Dan enters with files and keeps it on the table with other files. "Sir, we have to attend dinner later." He reminds me.

I look at him with no expression. "Are you okay, boss?" Dan asks with concern.

I got up from the seat and goes towards the window. "I am fine."

"I don't think so. You look quite stress. You should rest otherwise you would fall sick." Dan says concern. 

"It's quite stressful the past few days." I say. "When is the dinner?"

"At 8." Dan replies.

"Ok." I let out a heavy sigh. "What about them? Did they made any move?"

"No sir. They have been quite. No suspicion activity. I think they are scared. They know, if they do something to harm Amy. They will be in big trouble." Dan answers.

"Great. Look out for them. Make sure they don't come in front of Amy." I say coldly.

"Understood." Dan leaves the room.

Amy doesn't need to know this. I have threatened Brents and Walt indirectly. The day before the case, I sent a gift to Walt family. I have asked Dan to send them a box with no name and address. The box had evidence of their illegal business, which I got hand of, with a warning letter, to stay away from Amy, if they don't want this evidence to go to police. After the divorce, I did the same with Brent family. I send them the evidence I have against them. The original papers are with me, safely hidden. I have sent them the copied one. Even if they tore those papers, I can sent them again. I am doing this to protect Amy from any harm. I know it's wrong for me to interfere in her life, but I can't sit still and do nothing. 

I took shower and wore suit for the dinner. I wore the tie which Amy gifted me. I was very happy with the gift. I always cherish the tie she gifted me. I got ready for the dinner. 

I along with Dan went to the ball room of the hotel where the dinner was held. The smell of food and the voices of people talking were echoing through the hall. As I entered, I saw many businessmen whom I know or I worked with before. They come towards me and chatted with me. I gave them small replies. Not wanting to talk much. They were buttering me, to be very honest. They want me to spoil or spill the tea about my company's new project or new deal. 

Anthony and Page enter the hall, hand in hand. They greeted everyone. When they saw me, they come towards me and greet me. 

"Mr. Clark. I didn't knew you were attending the dinner."  Page tells very softly. 

"It's great that you are here." Anthony says. I didn't say anything. I just nodded slightly. 

"Mr. Clark, do you mind a drink?" Page says and calls a waiter who was serving drinks.

The waiter comes and offer the drinks. Page and Anthony took each glass. 

"Please." Page insists. I took one reluctantly. "Cheers." Everyone cheers and click their glasses together. They start to chat and drink.

One of the director of the project ask Anthony "Mr. Brent, who is this lovely lady beside you?"

Anthony takes Page hand in his hand "The person I love the most. My fiancée." He kiss her hand.

"Oh. What a great couple you make." He replies.

"What about you, Mr. Clark? Do you have someone in your life?" He asks me. His question grabs the attention of everyone. 

"I do have someone." I replied shortly.

"I never knew about it". "What she is like?"," Do we know her?", "What does she do?", "She is so so lucky." The question starts to flood.

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