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"Do you Adam Clark take Amy Walt has your lawfully wedded wife?" The officiant asks.

"I do." He says happily.

"Do you Amy Walt take Adam Clark has your lawfully wedded husband?" 

"I do." I say. 

Finally, the day has come. We are getting married. I feel surreal. I still think I'm dreaming. I'm getting married to the person I love the most. I can't be more happy. The best day of my life. Adam wanted to give me the best wedding. He arranged everything. From locations to decorations, from food to guest list. Even about out honeymoon. He took care of everything. The wedding was a dreamy fairy tale.

"Please exchange your rings." 

We exchange the rings.

"The groom can kiss his bride." He says.

Adam takes a step towards me. He smiles and kiss me. I hug him.

"Can't believe we are married." I say to him.

He kiss me again. "Believe it now, Mrs. Clark." He says and kiss me again. 

At the reception, everyone cheered for us and congratulated us. Adam has invited all his business partners and clients. Grants were also invited as guests. Only few people know Adam's relations with Grant family. Dan told me that Adam signed the investment deal with Grant family. He got 40% shares of Grant group, making him the largest shareholder. 

Logan and Emily come to congratulate us. Emily hugs me cheerfully. "Congratulations." She says, brightly. 

"Thank you. You should be careful." I tell her. After all she is 3 month pregnant. "When are you two getting married?" I ask them.

"Soon. Maybe by next month. We're waiting for her complete her first trimester, baby will be stable by the time." Logan explain.

"That's right." Emily says.

"I'm so happy for you both." I tell them, happily. "By the way, what about the designs I sent you?" I ask Emily.

"Client loved it." She says, "We got the deal. I'm sorry. I know you were busy your wedding preparations, then, also you drew them and sent me on time. I'm so sorry for it." She apologies.

"No need." I tell her. "I'm a designer, remember." 

"Speaking of design, I really loved your rings. You made them, right?" Emily asks.

I nod my head. From designing to crafting it, I made our rings. It's really special. 

"Special." Adam says. "Very special." He looks fondly at the ring on his ring finger.

May joins us with her boyfriend, Riley. "You found your happiness." She tells happily. I smile. "Fresh gossip for you, if you're interested. Morgan group and Brent group got merged into one group, under Brent group. Anthony and Page are getting married as Page is pregnant." As May is, social butterfly, who know every gossip of city.

"You're resources are great in finding gossips." Emily compliments her.

"They are trust me." May says and wink at her. Making her laugh. 

The next song turns romantic. "Let's dance. Shall we." Adam says. As we groves on the music. Waltzing. 

My story began from being controlled by everyone to breaking that barrier and finding myself. Along side finding myself, I also found my true love. The person who loves me more than I love myself. I can't thank him enough. Just grateful to universe, for making me meet the right person at the right time and right place.

I loving look in Adam's eyes, he smiles happily. He place a kiss on my forehead, "I love you." He says.

"I love you." I tell him while dancing with him.


"Adam. Happy birthday." I wish him. We are celebrating Adam's birthday by having dinner. Only the two of us. Like he wanted. Just us. 

"Thank you, wifey." He says. I bring cake for him.

"Blow the candles." I tell him. He blow out the candles. Cut the cake and feed me. I feed him back. "Now, it's gift time." I tell excitedly.

"What gift? Why did you prepare something? You know having you is the best gift I could ask for." Adam says. 

"Trust me. You'll love this gift." I say and give him a small box. He opens the box curiously. Seeing the gift inside, he couldn't believe it.

"Really?" He asked in shock. "Are you sure?" He ask in surprise.

"Yes. I'm pregnant." I tell him. He hugs me happily. He lifts me up and twirl me. I laugh. 

"Oh my god." He says and puts me down. "I'm going to be dad. I'm going to be dad. It's the best gift I could ask for." Adam says happily. He hugs me again. "Thank you. Thank you for completing my family."

"Thank you for completing my family as well." I tell him. "Adam. Thank you for everything." I kiss him on his cheek. You know, Adam, my love begins and ends with you."

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