43. Adam

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"I don't know what to do." Amy was heartbroken. 

Without saying any word. I hugged her. She was tense in my embrace. Her body was stiff. I know it was sudden, but she need to feel it. She need to feel the warmth. Her body relaxes after few seconds. She moves her hand to my back and hugs me. She is relaxed now in my embrace. I want her to see my sincerity. I want her to know I am always there for her, no matter what. Whether she needs me or not. We stayed in the embrace for long moment. Absorbing the warmth of each other. She breaks away from my hug. "I am so sorry."

"No worries." I assure her. "I know you are scared to repeat the same mistake." 

"I just don't know what it feels to be in love." Amy says honestly.

"I know. Let me tell you. Love is simple, not complicated." I tell her. "Love is the beautiful thing in the world. Like you love to design. It's a type of love too." 

"What about the love with that special person?" Amy says.

"Love with special person?" I pause "When being with him makes you happy. Your heart feels calm as well as nervous around that person. You want to be the best version for that person. You are willingly to sacrifice anything for that special person."

"Will you sacrifice anything for that person?" Amy ask.

"I will sacrifice anything for her." I tell her.

"But why?" Amy questions.

"So that she can be happy and stay with me." 

"I think I understood. You just want that person to be happy. Even if you are sad."

"Not always. Sometimes, it brings happiness to yourself as well." 


"You just want to be the best version for them. It's simple. You are not compromising." I tell her. "Amy, when you are with that person, you feel relax, comfortable, secure and most important happy. Even his presence makes you happy. After coming home, exhausted, seeing that person waiting for you, makes you happy and when he hugs you, you forgot all your tiredness. You want the time to stop right in that moment. Feeling the warmth of other."

"These are all shown in the movies and series. It's the kind of love that never exist." Amy says.

"It exists. You just have to believe in the power of love." 

"Power of love?" Amy repeats. 

"Yes. Power of love. The greatest blessing in out life. The driving force"  

"What are you talking about? Power of love? Greatest blessing? Driving force? I don't understand them. All I know is that, being in relation always makes you suffer. You are sad, disappointed and hurt. It's the most painful thing in life." Amy says. I am worried about her. Why is she being negative? She has always been positive and optimistic. Why is it so negative about love? How badly has she been hurt by that bastard Anthony, his family and her family? Why she don't want to believe in love?

"It's not true. I will make you believe in love. It's a challenge." I tell confidently.

"Why is it so important for you to make me believe in love?" Amy ask "is it because you have feelings for me." 

I was left speechless. She knew about my feelings towards her. "How did you know?" I was stunned.

"The night you were drunk..." She stops mid sentence.

"And I confess to you." I complete her. "Damn. I made a drunk confession. I am so stupid." I slowly murmur to myself. "I am such an idiot."

"You do have feelings for me? Since when?" Amy asks me.

I was struck. Should I tell her honestly? It will be too much for her. I don't want to force her to accept me.

"Yes. I do have feelings for you." I tell her. 

She look at me with surprise. Her lips part away. I want to kiss those lips. Control your desire. You are gonna scare her. She is already scared.

"How... can you... fall for me?"

"How can I fall for you?" I repeat her question. She nods her head. "Why shouldn't I?"

"Because I am... I am...." She couldn't say it.

"Because you are kind, positive, smart, talented and brave." I tell her.

"I am not like you told. I am an coward, not brave, to let Anthony abuse me. I am not smart, if I have been smart, I wouldn't have live my life like I lived. I am nothing like you think I am."

"That's what you think." I tell her "You have never seen yourself the way I see you."


"Amy. You are different. You are simple at same time you are elegant." 

"Am I?"

"You are. But you don't know your value. Amy. Everyone deserves to be loved. Be it any shape, color or size. They deserve the love and care from everyone. Especially from their special ones." I tell her. She nods her head. "And I will prove it to you." 

"What? Will you prove to me?" She asks.

"That you deserve to love and to be loved. I am gonna prove to you." I say with great determination. An idea came in my mind

"How?" She ask me curiously. Which she didn't notice.

"By courting you." I say.

"What?" She sound shock.

I stood up straight. I extended my hand to her. She look at me confusion, I signal her to take my hand. After thinking for few seconds, she places her hand on top of my hand. I pull her, she stood up. Her hand in my hand. Her eyes lock with my eyes.

"Amy Walt." I sound formal. Amy sneers hearing me. "Don't laugh. I am being very serious." I tell.

She nods her head, suppressing her laugh, "Okay. I won't laugh."

I took a deep breath, I am very nervous. My heart pounds faster every beat. Is it the right thing to do? I don't know, but I will try it never the less. 

"I, Adam Clark, officially starts to court you, Ms. Amy Walt." I finally said it. I have finally decided to court her.

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