ఌ #27

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"why there's many liquors than the foods? guys, we wont take liquors as water. put it back where you get it from!"

both seungkwan and minghao exchanges glances to each other as they both pouted after hearing those words and scolds from their elder, which is none other than jeonghan, who stood like a mother for the five of them including jisoo. when none of the two moved to do what jeonghan told them to do, the pretty older scolds them again which made the two youngest left no choice but to follow what the older was telling them.

while minghao, seungkwan and jeonghan was having a scolding session about the things they placed on their carts, jisoo, jihoon along with wonwoo was bickering over to what kind of side dish they would cook besides to the ones placed in their pushcarts. wonwoo just wanted to order sushi so they wont have to cook anymore, while jihoon wants kimchi that is available in container already and jisoo wanted some spicy ramyeon instead. and since the three of them are competitive enough, they did not let each other win.

and they only stop when jeonghan went to where they are and told them to pick already the side dish, making the three of them grabbed their own food that they want. now, there's one jar of kimchi, twenty-five pieces of sushis and three packs of ramyeons and once jeonghan saw what they have, the older was about to scold them but jihoon was quick enough to get all of those punch by the cashier lady already so jeonghan wont have any say, that makes jeonghan just shook his head.

"why there's a lot of liquors? are you guys okay?" that's what jihoon uttered the moment he saw everything they bought from the supermarket.

jeonghan rolled his eyes. "blame these two, they put so much liquors on our carts." then he pointed at minghao and seungkwan.

"its not like you dont want it! i know you're all alcohol deprive." seungkwan sassily defends himself.

jihoon just shook his head. "yeah, whatever."

and since no matter what they do and scold the two youngest, guess that they won't be able to do anything about it anymore as it was being punch by the cashier lady already and was being paid by card using jisoo's and jihoon's. they all carried the paper bags one by one containing the items they bought for their night outs tonight at minghao's condo unit. it has been awhile since they've done this thing since they're all busy with their respective careers and their own lives.

so to catch up with each other even just one night, jisoo and jeonghan just decided to make it like this than spending money for booking a resort for them.

they used minghao's car going back to his unit to finally cook and organize the items they bought, and of course to have dinner already since jihoon was starving now like as if they didnt eat snacks. it took like thirty minutes to arrived at minghao's unit, and once they went inside, seungkwan and jihoon went to open the karaoke already so they can sing even though jeonghan told them they can do it later after eating.

"so i put my hands up they're playin' my song, the butterflies fly away. im noddin' my head like, yeah, movin' my hips like, yeah!" thats what greeted jeonghan, jisoo, minghao and  wonwoo once they went to the salas to serve the dinner they cooked in the kitchen. minghao even covered his both ears when seungkwan sang that song in front of him. "i got my hands up, they're playin' my song they know i'm gonna be okay. yeah, it's a party in the U.S.A. yeah, it's a party in the U.S.A."

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