ఌ #39

283 11 34

"are you still mad at me, seokkie?"

that's what jisoo's mouth uttered when he opened his eyes from his deep sleep and he saw seokmin who's sitting on the single couch with his laptop placed on his lap, where lee chan used to sit when he's watching over him during the night. and jisoo's lips formed a small smile as he giggled witnessing how seokmin automatically jerked his head to his side like as if the younger was excepting him to wake up any minute now.

"you're awake now, princess?" then seokmin closed his laptop like as if what he's doing wasn't that important and his attention was now fully focused to jisoo. seokmin stood up and he sat on the space of jisoo's bed then he shook his head. "no, not anymore. and i will never, ever gonna be mad at you."

by that, jisoo pouts. "but still im sorry. i will listen to you more and make sure i wont do the same thing again."

because he somewhat felt like he had a trauma from what happened yesterday. that's the first time he saw seokmin being mad and angry like that towards him though they've done arguing before but what the younger showed yesterday was different. plus what seokmin did to him yesterday made him felt scared of making seokmin mad at him ever again. what happened yesterday seemed like jisoo's lesson to always listen to the boss if he doesn't want to see that kind of seokmin again.

but jisoo couldn't deny though, he loved what they did yesterday. even though he knows he passed out and his body felt novocaine but he loved it. he loves it when seokmin do it hard. plus what seokmin looked like yesterday made the younger even more hotter in jisoo's eyes.

seokmin smiled at him. "oh, its alright, princess. its not your fault, okay? its valentine's problem anyways." then he leaned his head closer as their lips met for the first time today as seokmin's right hand went to stroke the older's hair. "i should be the one who's sorry. i went hard on you yesterday that you passed out. im sorry, princess."

jisoo giggled and smiled at seokmin. "i know, its alright. i understand why you went like that yesterday." though he just admitted that it somewhat made him traumatize yet he understands why seokmin went like that yesterday. its valid for jisoo. "plus my body didnt hurt that much and if it does, ill be fine. its just temporary and i loved how you were hard yesterday."

though by remembering what they did yesterday and how many times they did it plus how many positions they tried, jisoo could feel how his body will ache if he would try to move it by now. and honestly, he could feel it already, especially his hole. it stings so much that jisoo was worried if its swollen or not as it also was pumping and he could still literally feel how seokmin fucked him so hard yesterday. even how that dildo went inside him for a lot of times before seokmin's actual shaft. plus jisoo was also worried if he'll able to walk properly after what happened.

the younger chuckled. "i always knew you love when i do it hard."

they both shared giggles with each other before their lips met again but unlike the usual kiss they used to share, this time, it doesn't have any tongues just their lips was moving against each other. but when the kiss took longer than it supposed to, jisoo extended his right hand to gripped through seokmin's hair but he just winced silently in between their kisses once he felt how the muscles in his arm ache so much when he tried to move it.

that's what he's saying.. that he could really feel how his whole body will ache after what they did. and if he's already reacting like this when he moved his arm, what more with his thighs and legs that consumed more movement yesterday? oh jisoo was literally worried right now, he's scared seokmin will announce he needs to be bed rest for today.

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