ఌ #36

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"anyways, i found something interesting."

seokmin watched how hyunwon, the one that killed his father almost three years ago back in east china sea, the one who lead the raid one of the most popular amusement park in milan two days ago and the one who he kept tracing to know his whereabouts, was now in front of him inside this abandoned room in sicily where they decided to meet up privately though anton and hyunwon's secretary are here with them including their bodyguards.

going back to what is currently happening, hyunwon placed a rectangular paper harshly on the table in front of seokmin who's sitting across him, hyunwon was still wearing that annoying and mocking grin towards to seokmin while the mafia boss just kept his facade and was staring at his enemy with darkened in his eyes. the moment hyunwon placed the paper in front, seokmin shifted his gazes to see whats on the paper.

"what the fuck!" thats what seokmin had uttered the moment he saw what's on the paper, then immediately grabbed the handgun he's carrying on the side of his pants as he stood up and directly points the gun towards to hyunwon as the guy smirk and the raised his both arms in the air like as if he's surrendering to the policeman.

while seokmin's jaw clenched and giving hyunwon his very death glare, the guy was just smirking and was chuckling after seeing the reactions of seokmin upon knowing what's in the paper. oh well, the paper wasn't just a normal paper, because it was a picture of someone hyunwon caught last day when he raid that amusement park in milan. and that someone on the picture was none other than seokmin's princess... his jisoo.

yes, the picture is jisoo. it was stolen where jisoo was running towards to seokmin the moment he started his plan. the picture wasn't blurry, it can be seen the facial features jisoo has.

"easy, easy lee.." hyunwon walked backwards when seokmin walked towards him still pointing the gun directly to him with a darkened eye and jaw kept clenching time to time. hyunwon smirked again. "judging the way you react... does this guy perhaps, important to you?"

but instead of answering hyunwon, seokmin just kept walking towards to hyunwon, and the guy was also walking backwards with arms in the air. seokmin could feel that there are more than two handguns thats pointing at him right now probably hyunwon's bodyguard, ready to shoot him just in case seokmin would really fire a gun towards to the guy he's talking to. anton, larry and valentine was a standby, but they're ready for whatevers going to happen inside this abandoned room.

hyunwon shrugged his shoulders. "oh well, i already know the answer. i saw how you kissed him last day."

seokmin swallowed hard as he glared at hyunwon. "dont you ever dare try to lay your finger on him. i swear hyunwon, this gun im holding? this will kill you down." and while he was saying it, there was an invisible smoke coming from his nostrils. he's really mad, mad.

but hyunwon just chuckled as the side of his lips rose up. "go on and do it now, lee. or you may be too late now that my men is trying to find this beautiful guㅡ" seokmin didnt let him finish what's he's about to say when he fired the gun on one of the water container at the back of hyunwon making the other guy flinched because the sound of the gunshot and the container suddenly filled the whole area. "fucking bullshit!"

seokmin was fuming mad right now that his grip on the handgun he's holding tightened. "fucking leave my princess out of this shitty plan of yours, hyunwon! im the one that you want, right? so fucking be it! just stick of wanting my title! and leave that guy alone!"

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