The Fight Concludes

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Naruto had witnessed Goku and Vegeta transforming into a Super Saiyan. Their blonde hairs and golden auras were shining and glaring the area around them. Naruto couldn't help but squeak like a fan girl.
"Eeeeeeehhh! That is Awesome!" He said as the two Saiyans looked at him with confusion. Naruto would then brush some of the dirt off of him before getting into his stance to fight them again.

"I'd recommend you give up right here and now Kid!" Vegeta said as Naruto looked bummed out.
"Huh? Why would I give up?" He said to him before charging at the Prince. Vegeta simply didn't move nor flinch as he waited for Naruto to strike. Once he hit him, Naruto felt confident before he gasped and see that it didn't do anything to him. Vegeta then got ready to punch Naruto's face but the blonde had a quick reaction time and moved his head out the way. Only for him to be sent flying 3 feet away from them.
'Eh? How? I know I dodged that hit. How did Vegeta-Sama hit me still?' Naruto thought before Kuruma spoke.
'THINK KIT. THEY TRANSFORMED. OBVIOUSLY THEIR SPEED, ATTACKS AND EVEN DEFENSE HAS IMPROVED WITH THIS NEW FOUND POWER OF THEIRS. NOT TO MENTION, THESE ARE SAIYANS...SO THE LONGER WE FIGHT, THE STRONGER THEY GET AND MORE TIRED WE'LL BE.' Kuruma said to him and Naruto growled. He was right but he didn't want to give up. He hasn't had any actual ninja training so trying a jutsu was out the window. However it didn't hurt to try.
"I don't know if this even exists but here we go!" Naruto said out loud before doing a hand sign.

"SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" He shouted and out of nowhere, three other copies of Naruto stood next to him doing the same thing he was doing

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"SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" He shouted and out of nowhere, three other copies of Naruto stood next to him doing the same thing he was doing. Goku looked at Naruto and was amazed that he could use that technique as well. Vegeta was impressed a bit but crossed his arms.
"So you can create copies of you. That's nothing!" Vegeta said before firing a Ki Blast at him and the clones. However they all jumped out the way and began to charge at the two Saiyans. Two v. 1 but flipped around. This time Goku and Vegeta were facing two Naruto's of their own. With Goku he was blocking the Narutos attacks with his arms while being pushed back with the force they were inputting on him.
'Not Good. If I stay on the defensive for any more, they'll soon overpower me.' Goku thought as he continued to block their attacks before using Instant Transmission to vanish. The two Narutos looked around for Goku before they hear him scream.
"Kamehame.." They turned around and see him read to charge a ki blast at them.
"HAAA!" He shouted as he fired the blue beam at them and they only had a few seconds to get out the way. One of them pushed one Naruto out the way before getting hit with the beam and soon disappearing with smoke. Goku seen this and looked at the Naruto that was spared.
"So you're the Real one then!" Goku said as he charged at Naruto ready to fight him.

With Vegeta and his clones to fight, he wasted no time firing Beams at the clones which they quickly dodged and kick Vegeta in the chin. It made the Prince stumble a bit and that angered him that someone like Naruto could not only hurt him but make him stumble. He let out a lot of energy powering up and rushing at the clones ready to fight them and destroy them. The Narutos were scared a bit as they now knew they were only gonna last but so much. Soon an explosion happened in their area when Vegeta took them out. Making Naruto and Goku stop their fight to see the explosion.
"Vegeta!" Goku shouted before seeing him walk through without a scratch on him.

"My guess is that you're the real deal." Vegeta said before he slowly powers up again this time to a Super Saiyan 2. Naruto knew this was it and he wouldn't be able to keep up with Vegeta anymore.
"You have me....fight your clones....while you and Kakarot fight! I Will Not Forgive You!" Vegeta said as he got ready to fight him but Goku stood in his way.
"Wait Vegeta!" He said.
"Out of the Way Kakarot! You had your shot to fight him now it's my turn!" Vegeta said while Naruto looked scared and fell on his butt. He never thought meeting Vegeta and fighting him would make him scared. It would bring back flashbacks of how his mom and dad were furious at him and he hugged his legs while murmuring to himself. Goku stopped Vegeta but they heard what Naruto was saying.

"No...Please... I'm not lying... I'm sorry...No don't beat me again...why?" Was all he was saying over and over again and both Saiyans looked at him then at each other.
"Great going Vegeta." Goku said.
"Me!? What did I do?" Vegeta said as he was irritated.
"You made the kid scared." Goku said before powering down back to his base form and Vegeta growled doing the same and they walked to Naruto. Goku had his hand out for him and Naruto looked up.
"Hey! That was a nice fight Naruto. You're really good." He said and Naruto slowly took his hand but the two Saiyans would notice a scar from his arm when he reached out to his hand. But they dared not to say anything.

After helping him up, Goku chuckled.
"Hey after we get some food. I'll train you if you want. Me and Vegeta!" Goku said which made Naruto gasped and smiled at them.
"Really!? Thank you!" He said and Goku simply put his hand on Naruto's head. Naruto didn't know what he was doing but could see the expression on Goku's face. A lot of expressions that were questionable but also concerning. What Naruto didn't know was that Goku was looking at Naruto's memories from when he was born to recent. Soon he let go of him and sighed.
"I...Umm... I'll train you and in no time, you'll be stronger than your rival." Goku said before using Instant Transmission with Vegeta and Naruto close by to Bulma's place so they could get something to eat. Naruto walked ahead of them and inside Capsule Corp while Goku and Vegeta were behind.

"So what did you see?" Vegeta asked.
"A lot...that a kid like him shouldn't have to experience at a young age." He said before facing Vegeta.
"I'll explain it when we get to Kami's lookout." He said to him


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