I'm Namikaze No More

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It was getting close to the end of the day for the Academy. And of course a lot of people were waiting for class to be over. But some wanted to keep up with their studies and paid attention to Mizuki as he was teaching.
"So, As you know, the three basics of a Ninja's abilities in chakra is Taijutsu, Genjutsu and Ninjutsu. But can anyone tell me other abilities and give me an example?" He said wanting the class to participate. Sasuke rose his hand and Mizuki picked him.
"Sasuke, Go ahead."
"Dojutsu is one of them. And an example is the Uchiha's visual prowess; The Sharingan." He said and everyone clapped and cheered for him.
'Why is everyone cheering for him? He just answered a question.' Naruto thought to himself.
'JUST STOP DICK RIDING AND MAYBE YOU ALL CAN BE AS SMART AS HIM.' Kuruma added before Mizuki pointed to Naruto.
"You there! Namikaze. How about you give it a go. Tell me another Ninja ability we can use that requires chakra as well?" He said hoping Naruto was stupid and didn't know anything. But not was he and the others in for a surprise.
"Kenjutsu, which is one who is a mastery of weapons. People get it confused with sword arts but Kenjutsu can be with any weapon." He started before naming others.
"Tensei Jutsu, which relies solely on bring what was dead back to life. Senjutsu or Sage Jutsu is where one uses Nature Energy more so and their chakra is balanced out. And last but not least, Fuinjutsu. Which solely relies on sealing Jutsu." Naruto stated which made everyone quiet as he was pretty knowledgeable. Mizuki was even shocked he knew of the others and what one user does with it. But his stubbornness got the better of him.
"So...can you give me examples of those Jutsus? You are correct but just for safety measures and to see where your mind is at, I need at least 2 examples each." He said which made Naruto shout a bit.

"Ehh!? That's not fair! Sasuke got one right and he got to do one example. But when I name 4 of them I have to give two examples for each?" Naruto said.
"Because You're an Idiot Naruto-Baka!" Sakura had said and some who were Sasuke Followers nodded in agreement of what she said. It was only then Natsumi smacked her cousin upside the head.
"He's not an idiot you dumbass!" She shouted at her.
"I just want to see where your mind is at Naruto...unless...you can't do it~" Mizuki said.

Naruto growled before Kuruma spoke to his mind and in doing so, he gave him some memories of Jutsus he had seen in his past that would qualify for the examples.
"Alright. I'll give you what you want." Naruto said.
"Naruto buddy, you don't have to do it." Kawazo said but Naruto shook his head.
"It's okay. I got this." Naruto said before he cleared his throat and started with Kenjutsu.
"Samehada Wild Dance, Chakra Shock Slash for Kenjutsu. Edo Tensei Justu and Life Transfer Jutsu for Tensei Justu. Sage Art: Toad Song and of course the Legendary Sage Mode a user uses when they become one with their summon animal for Senjutsu. And A simple Contract Seal and the Reaper Death Seal for Fuinjutsu." Naruto said smirking and seeing Mizuki's mouth gape open. The only appluad Naruto received were from Kawazo, Rui, Akiko and Natsumi. There were a few others but they didn't want to expose themselves like the four mentioned did.
"Woohoo! Alright Naruto!" Akiko said.
"Now you believe him?" Rui said standing up. Mizuki calmed down before he nodded.
"Very good Naruto."

After School

Naruto and his siblings would wait for Naprince and Kianni to come pick them up. Even though they could walk home together, they decided to spend some more time in the Academy. Naruto was chatting with Natsumi as she and Sakura were waiting for her parents/Aunt and Uncle.
"Honestly that was so cool what you did Naruto." Natsumi said.
"Really? I honestly was shaking." Naruto said scratching the back of his head.
"Shaking? Nonsense. You were amazing today. You're really smart for someone your age." She said.
"Aren't you my age?" Naruto said chuckling. And Natsumi fake gasped.
"I'm wounded~ You dare ask a lady her age?" She said playfully teasing him.
"Ah! No no no! I didn't mean to say it like that. I was trying to say that you don't look older than me" he said trying to explain himself which he further dug his imaginary hole as Natsumi gasped even more and played the guilt game with Naruto.
"Oh I am indeed hurt~" She said before Naruto covered his face in embarrassment.
"I'm sorry! I'll shut up now!" He said before Natsumi giggled and patted his back.
"Oh I'm just kidding with you Naruto." She said before seeing that Naruto's while demeanor changed from a happy one to a serious one.
"Huh? What's the matter Naruto?" Natsumi asked before Naruto shushed her and listened for something that sounded like a fight.

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