Chapter 4

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- Jisoo was feeling sick so she decided to skip office today.

Taehyung found Jisoo's cabin empty, later her assistant said she is sick so she skipped today.

"Jisoo are you eating or should I throw you out of window?" Jin yells. "Huh? Is this how a person talk to a sick person?" Jisoo replies. She was not eating anything since morning now it was almost evening. "So what should I do? Mom told me to make sure you are feeded!" Jin scoofs sitting beside Jisoo with the tray of soup.

"I'm not feeling like to eat, I'll eat later now shoo!" Jisoo covers herself back under the blanket.

"Look who's here to see you Jisoo?" Her mother says coming inside Jisoo's room. "Who?" She asks back without taking off the blanket.

"Taehyung" as soon as she heard this she quickly took of the blanket from her face. Tucking between her chin. Her face lit up seeing him. He enters the room slowly behind her mother.

He took a seat in a chair beside Jisoo's bed. "She is so childish, whining like a kid to not eat anything! Such a stubborn ass!" Jin complains to Taehyung. Jisoo hits Jin's arm, "YAHHH! Get out of my room!" Jin stood up with a betrayed emotional face, "of course now I have to get out since he is here" he gave a last look at Jisoo who was smiling on Taehyung, he hung his arm around his mother, "let's go mom, we are not needed anymore" their mother laughed at her dramatic childrens and left.

"Taehyungaaahh! You're here to see me?" She asks happily. He nods slowly and took out a bag and gave it to Jisoo, "these are my favourite candies! Oh my god!" She was so happy to see all the candies. "Lay down back " Taehyung commands. She laid down agreeing with him.

"How did you suddenly got a fever?" He inquires. "I ate three ice creams last night" she replies taking one candy in her mouth. "And you know you can't tolerate cold, why did you ate?" Taehyung calmly asks. "because it was irresistible" she giggles sucking on the candy in her mouth.

"First have the soup then you can have candy " he took the candy bag and showed the soup bowl. "This is unfair! Are you using candy to feed me? Am I a kid?" She humps. "Are you any lesser than a kid?" He scoofs in a chuckling tone.

"Please stop being so mean!" Jisoo scowls.

Later, Taehyung had dinner with jisoo's family. "How do you hold so much patience with that brat?" Jin shakes his head asking Taehyung. "jin!" Jisoo's mother yells. "What? I'm just asking" Jin shrugged his broad shoulders off.

Jisoo was fast asleep after having her medicine so Taehyung left without meeting her. 

After two days Jisoo returns back to office being fully healthy. "Ma'am how are you today?" Sana inquires. "Fine I guess, so did I missed anything in the office?" Sana starts with her job.

Jisoo was busy trying to catch up with previous works, she receives a message from Jin, "come to my art house right now" she thought what's the sudden urgency.

She rushed there to find Jin worked up on something. "What happened?" She asks him. "I have to fix all of this for tonight, I'm really confused because we don't have much time. Some of my co-workers are also absent" Jin sounded panicked. Jisoo took a breath, "shut with the blabbering, if you need help just tell me! I'll call few workers for you, just give some profit you earn tonight!" She winks.

After sometime some more people came and helped Jin with all the works.

Night proceeds and the art exhibition starts.  Taehyung, Jimin, Lisa, Jisoo's parents, Taehyung's parents, Jin's best friend Namjoon, girlfriend Irene all arrived to show supposed.

"Unnie, your boyfriend is such a baby!" She was talking about how Jin was so worked up in the morning about the exhibition. Irene laughed and glance at her boyfriend who was attending people. Taehyung took pictures of few arts and brought two for himself. Jisoo was not interested in arts or paintings still she brought few.

Taehyung looked around and saw Jisoo was nowhere. He lastly finds her standing in a corner, "why are you here?" He questions. She took a deep breath, "well I'm just wondering about dad. Although they support Jin, I'm sure dad wanted his son to carry on with our business legacy" Jisoo sounded low. "Aren't you handling it though?" Taehyung asks examining her face.

"Yes I am but you know when son does parents gets more happy. I'm not saying they biased towards him or anything I'm just saying.." Jisoo spoke her heart out. "You are doing good, maybe even better than Jin. If Jin had choose business over art he would be terrible at it and ruin uncle's name. You can see how good he is at art" Jisoo nods. "I he loves he is  what's doing" Jisoo smiles watching her brother so happy and dedicated to work.

"Taehyungaah, do you miss having siblings?" Jisoo asks. "How can I miss something I don't have?" He replies. "Why are you so blant Taehyung? I expected a emotional reply" she said disappointed by his lack of emotions.

"I don't-" Taehyung was left incompleted when he saw his father falling down. "DAD" he screams and ran to him. Everything came to hault.

They took him to hospital quickly, doctor said it was heart failure.

Taehyung's mother was crying vigorously, Jisoo was trying to comfort her down. Taehyung sat in distress watching his mother sobbing. He took a seat beside her and pulls her in a hug muttering, "dad will be fine" she cries in his embrace.

Doctor came out of operation theatre, "he is in a risky state, there are very less chances of his survival" hearing this Taehyung felt his world stopped. Miss Kim falls on her knees shouting crying. Everyone was crying, distress and shocked.

One night passes, next morning except Jisoo, Taehyung and Mrs Kim everyone left because doctors didn't allow so many people.

"Taehyung, aunty needs to eat something" Jisoo spoke carrasing sleeping Mrs Kim's hairs. He nods slowly and about to go when a nurse came out rushing, "Patient is calling someone named Taehyung quickly, he is having difficulty in breathing" as soon they heard this their heart rate fastness.

They all starts rushing to the room, but nurse only Taehyung can go. Jisoo holds Mrs Kim and told Taehyung to go inside. Nurse went rushing to call the doctor.

Taehyung saw his father laying, he was shaking, can't breath properly. "t-tae" he calls him, Taehyung went closer to him and helds his hand, "Dad.." he cries watching his father in pain. "I have... sometimes to say" he couldn't make sentence at this point. "Dad don't talk, it's painful to speak in this state" Taehyung says in the middle of his sobs.

"I- I don't want to d-ie without confessing this" he sounded desperate to confess. Taehyung was listening  attentively, "Dad..what is it?" He asks.

"You are not my son" as this words left his father's mouth his world shattered into pieces.


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