chapter 22

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The room was hotter as the moment passes. The tension between the two guys were touching the sky.

They all look at the entrance when they hear a creak sound and shoes sound of someone arriving. It was Jungkook's father.

As he came inside he saw the stern face of Taehyung and Jungkook's face looks like he was about to cry. He places his hand on Jungkook's shoulder and says, "what happened son?" then he looks at Taehyung with a question, "did anything happened Mr Kim?"

Taehyung kept calm and said, "nothing Mr Jeon. Actually we are leaving today back to our home" as he informed Mr Jeon. He was very shocked by that. "Why so suddenly? You guys haven't even stayed for two months?" It has been almost one month since they were in Daegu.

"Actually our parents were saying the business there needs us" Taehyung lied obviously.

Me Jeon nods then he has a disappointed look, "that's very sad! I thought we will have a great bonding time" Taehyung mentally scoofs at the mention of bond.

"We wish the same but so sorry we have to go without informing prior" Jisoo humbly talked.

"But you guys will go tomorrow, I'll take care of your flight! Today is my anniversary party and you both are my special guests!" Mr Jeon adamanted for Taehyung and Jisoo staying.

Jungkook felt a sense of relief knowing she won't leave today at least. His face beams with a hope.

"It's not possible, we already packed our stuffs and tickets are already-" Jisoo tried to give excuses. "No no I'm not listening to you guys!" He cuts off Jisoo in middle and took away the bag she had in her hand assuming it might had the tickets.

Jisoo and Mr Jeon starts little argument over this. She tries to explain why they have to leave immediately but Mr Jeon was stubborn to listen right now.

They both stop when Taehyung asks in his roaring voice, "does Mrs Jeon knows? You're inviting us? Will she like it?" Jisoo looks at him hearing this.

"Of course she knows!" Mr Jeon enthusiastically told. Jisoo can understand why Taehyung still thinks about Mrs Jeon. After all, she is his mother, even if she never accepts she is.

"This is done then! You guys are staying tonight!" Mr Jeon hold Taehyung's hand in fatherly manner. Taehyung gives in to this as he nods agreeing.

Jisoo sighs. "Softie" she mutters gazing at him.

Jungkook was happy to know she's staying. He keeps looking at her the whole time.

"I'm not taking any risk, for tonight you'll stay in Jeon mansion" he declared without caring for Taehyung or jisoo's permission.

Jisoo's eyes widened hearing it. She couldn't even imagine how the scene would be when Mrs Jeon and Taehyung will see eachother after the revelation for the first time.

Taehyung didn't wanted to stay but he found himself agreeing with whatever Mr Jeon asks for. He really thinks and hopes Mr Jeon is a nice man.

If he is nice then why didn't he accepted him like he loves Jungkook? this thought crosses his mind everytime he judges Mr Jeon.

After that they went to Jeon Mansion. Taehyung was impatiently waiting to see Mrs Jeon for some reason.

As Mrs Jeon comes downstairs, she was hit by the arrival of Taehyung.

She starts panicking, her heart rate fastness thinking the possibilities of Taehyung revealing the truth to her husband and son.

She was a pure woman infront of her family's eyes. She won't be able to take the harshness of Junho and Jungkook at any cost.

She slowly takes steps going closer to the people standing down there.

"Look who I brought! Mr Kim and Miss Kim again" Mr Jeon chuckles. "They were leaving you know, so I didn't wanted to gake risk brought them here" he adds.

"They'll only leave when our party ends" he said. But he saw how blank his wife was. She was just blankly staring at Taehyung.

Taehyung was having a dilemma in his head. Whenever he looks at her he feels she's a goddess but why her acts are not pure?

Mr Jeon walks to her and wraps his arms around her, taking her out of some trance "what happened? what are you thinking?" He asks worriedly. "Nothing" she mutters looking away from Taehyung.

Meanwhile Jisoo was noticing how Jungkook was so sad. She felt bad for him don't know why. She thought she'll have talk with him in the party.

"Okay okay I understand! You must be wondering what should you wear for the party" Mr Jeon laughs at his own joke. Jisoo laughs little trying to make the atmosphere fun.

"Keep thinking but after eating. For now let's have lunch" he recommends. Mrs Jeon gave a small fake smile and goes inside the kitchen.

"You both please be comfortable" Mr Jeon says as he goes upstairs to change into something comfortable.

Before going he told Jungkook to give some comfy clothes to Taehyung and told Mrs Jeon to give something comfortable for Jisoo too.

Now Taehyung Jungkook and Jisoo were left together. The tension between the two man was still visible. For some reason Jungkook has started disliking Taehyung.

He pierce his eyes through Taehyung's soul when he saw Jisoo talking to him. She looks so comfortable around him. She gets professional when she talks to Jungkook, this is what he doesn't like.

"Jungkook can you show Taehyung the bathroom to change the clothes?" Jisoo says in her soft voice. Jungkook could do anything to hear her more but it annoys him knowing she was requesting for him.

Cannot even speak! He huffs thinking how arrogant Taehyung is for making Jisoo request.

Taehyung follows him behind. After arriving in his room, he went to his cupboard and gave some clothes to Taehyung without uttering any word.

As he was about to leave Taehyung spoke, "stop being so informal with business people, this is the first thing I told you when you came for training. don't forget it, stop acting as if you are close to Jisoo" Taehyung's tone was a warning to him.

Saying this he went inside the bathroom to change. Jungkook scoofs not minding his words. He went out and went to look for Jisoo who might be in his mom's room.

And she was there talking with his mom. She was giving Jisoo some clothes. He smiles looking at the sight. His two favourite women.

Taehyung comes out while passing he saw Jungkook looking at Jisoo and YounJi. He also starts gazing at the sight.

It was beautiful in a sense. Only if it was simple life he would have cherish this moment by clicking a picture.

Then he furrows since when he starts thinking of clicking pictures, he used to hates it he thought.


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