chapter 24

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The evening starts as well as the party. Chaoc of laughter and classy people filled the venue.

"Oh please enjoy~" Mr Jeon says welcoming his guests. Meanwhile Mrs Jeon stayed in a corner talking with the ladies. Taehyung and Jisoo haven't arrived yet, which made Jungkook impatient.

He was eagerly waiting for her to come dressed in his gift.

he closed his eyes imaging her in that dress he gave.

She looked very hot in that outfit

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She looked very hot in that outfit. He was on edge for her arrival. His eyes on the entrance. He couldn't afford to miss a second of her appearance.

Then she blessed the place with her presence but all his waits went vain when he saw what she was wearing..

Then she blessed the place with her presence but all his waits went vain when he saw what she was wearing

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Jisoo was wearing what the love of her life has gifted her.

Jungkook felt dejected, angry and sad. "Why does it hurt so much damnn!"  he murmurs.

Also she was with Taehyung, smiling giggling. "Why can't it be me?" He asks himself or the destiny.

Mrs Jeon noticed Jungkook staring at someone. She followed his eyes and saw Taehyung and Jisoo has arrived. She furrows her eyebrows in pure confusion.

"Oh look who's here! My special guests!" Mr Jeon tells to his guests.  They all excitedly went closer to meet Taehyung and Jisoo.

They both smiled at the guests politely as Mr Jeon introduced them. They all were talking, mostly everyone was beyond shocked to see Taehyung. They have only heard about him because he hardly goes to any event. But seeing him with Jeons really surprised them.

Middle of all the chaos Jisoo's eyes falls on Jungkook who was sat on the bar section. He was continuously drinking. She confusedly stares at him. "Excuse me" she excused herself from everyone. "I'm coming in a bit" she informed Taehyung whispering to him. He nods and continues talking with guests.

She moves to Jungkook and stood infront staring. "What's the issue? Why are you drinking so much?" She questions. But he refuses to talk  or look at her. He despise this dress on her, she shouldn't had wore this.

"What happened Jungkook? Are you okay?" Jisoo inquires feeling worried to see him like this. He still didn't response. She had enough so she just took away the glass from his hand, glares at him. He looks annoyed but didn't react.

"Why are you behaving like this?" She again asks. "And why are you drinking so much? This is your party,  go and enjoy it!" She adds keeping the glass down.

He again took it, huffs before taking a sip. Then he spit out, "why do you care if I enjoy or not?!" She was heavily confused. She could sense he is upset and she is the reason but what did she even do?

"Can you clearly speak out? You're a man now behave like it. When you have something in your mind speak it out instead of acting childish" she bitterly spoke out because she was annoyed by his immaturity.

Jungkook pouts feeling bad to get scold by her. She sighs realising she shouldn't have said so much to him. But later he says, "why didn't you wore my dress?" She now realised. She didn't opened the gift this is why she didn't knew it had a dress in it. Also she thought this is a farewell gift so she would open it when she goes back to her house.

"Oh this is why you're angry at me?" She chuckled. "Actually I didn't opened the gift yet and you didn't told me it's a dress for the party" she explains. Although she didnt knew this was a dress. But she would still wore what Taehyung had gifted to her instead of Jungkook's gift.

"I promise to wore it soon and send you pictures" she tries to make it up to him. "Come on cheer up!" She saw he was still sulking. "Come on!" She again tries.

"I'll stop sulking if you have a dance with me" he took a advantage of the situation. Jisoo was hesitating because Taehyung is here. Why would she dance with someone else except him? But also he doesn't like to dance in parties so he won't mind if she dances with Jungkook. So she agreed, "okay I will!" Then he gave her a big smile.

Mrs Jeon saw everything. She smiled watching how he was sulking before and Jisoo made him smile.

Mr Jeon saw her smiling, he side hugs her asking "who is making my wife smile so much? Should I be scared?" He jokingly said. "No you shouldn't be until and unless I'm not straight and I'm a pedo" Mrs Jeon replies.

Mr Jeon was burned by her answer, "woah! what what what?" he couldn't handle the spicy response. Mrs Jeon chuckles, "i was looking at Jisoo, isn't she so nice? Not only beautiful but her personality is loving" she exclaims.

"I agree I agree" he said remembering how she would handle situations in office. He really likes her bonding with Taehyung. It somehow reminds him off his young days with YounJi.

Mr Jeon saw his in-laws entering. His father-in-law has came finally. "How are you father?" He hugs him welcoming warmly. Mrs Jeon didn't smiled. She has many questions to ask her father. "How are you Junho? Are you treating my daughter good?" He asks breaking the hug.

Later he hugged his daughter but YounJi didn't. Which surprised Junho but he shrugged off. "I'll call Jungkook to meet you" Mr Jeon went to call Jungkook.

Now that father and daughter were looking at eachother. YounJi's were looking as if she is looking at a criminal.

"Let's go to my room, I have something to ask" she says and expected her father to follow. Taehyung was looking for Jisoo after he has excused himself from the guests.

As he was looking for Jisoo, he saw YouJi going towards a room with a old man.

After they enter the room, YounJi shoots him with her questions right away, "how could you be so heartless Dad?" She asks. "What did I do?" The old man asks back acting innocent.

"What did you do? You're asking me! Well then let me tell you, You lied to me, you said my child died while I gave birth " she yells at him. Her father was scared what if someone hears. "Slow down your voice! Someone will hear! It took me ages to clean your image" he whisper yells.

She looks at him with disbelief, "Really dad? You only care about the image? What about me? What about that child? What about the sufferings I went through?" She questions him, tears rolling down.

"Sufferings? You're sufferings were given by his father! Not me! Your fault to receive it! And why are you suddenly asking about it? Who told you that child was alive?" He screams at her still trying to keep his voice lower.

This man looks like he doesn't care about anything more than his reputation and image.

"Dad.." she calls out to him falling on her knees. "you could say this to me?" She couldn't believe her own father was blaming him for the suffering she had went through in the past.



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