chapter 34

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That night filled Taehyung with agony, pain. But he can't believe Jisoo would do this at any cost. Even if god comes down saying Jisoo would do this, he wouldn't believe it. He needs to talk to her.

Jisoo's house was filled with Jeon family. They came to ask for Jisoo's hand. Jungkook's happiness knew no boundaries. His eyes were glistening with desire watching Jisoo beside him. "So when do you want the marriage to take place?" Mrs Jeon asks Mr Kim.

"I think the sooner the better" Jisoo replies. Jungkook couldn't believe his ears. Is this the same Jisoo who broke his heart by rejecting once? What made her come back?

Was that she realised Jungkook was better option than Taehyung?

He stares at her wondering such thoughts. "Then the wedding shall happen this week" Mrs Jeon demands. Jin left the place abruptly. He couldn't take this. How can Jisoo be okay with this?

He saw her face was cold and no hint of happiness. As if the old Jisoo has hidden somewhere.

"Excuse me" Jisoo excuses herself and went from there. Her mother felt this is all wrong and something definitely is wrong with Jisoo.

Jungkook was waiting outside for to go shopping together. They were supposed to do wedding preparations already as the time is very less.

"Jisoo would look good in any dress though" Jungkook has already looked so many dress but he couldn't choose one that's perfect. He wants perfect for her. "Jisoo which one do you like?" he showed her two dress.

"Any would do" she replies without any hint of interest. Jungkook could not understand if she accepted him with her own consent then why is she distant from him? She used to be cheerful with him when they were friends.

"I need to use the changing room to see if it's fits" she says quickly. She saw how he sulks thinking of god knows what. Taking one of the dress she almost ran inside the changing room.

When she went inside she was welcomed with Taehyung. She was about to walk out but he holds her body with one hand and covered her mouth with another to prevent her from screaming.

"Jisoo let me talk please" he pleads. Jisoo looks into his eyes waiting for him to speak. He slowly lets go off her mouth "I don't know what made you have this decision but I know this is not you" He states very confidently. "I'm sure you are hiding something, Jin hyung told me how you would sulk all day. Tell me why are you doing this?" he asks desperately holding her hands in his.

He leans closer to her, forehead pressed against hers. The soothing breathing facing all over eachother's face. The rhythm matches how beautifully. He pressed a kiss against her forehead, his lips dragged down to her nose, to her cheeks. Stops right close to her parted lips. She was breathing rapidly.

She shudders in her place when his hands touched her waist skin a little as she wore crop trop which was very loose.

She realises what was going on so she pushed him little and made distance between them.

"You want to know?" she asks lowly. He nods. "I'm tired of being the only one chasing you, so I'm stopping myself from chasing you. Now I'll chase my happiness. You never loved me like I did. But Jungkook loves me like I love you" she was so bluntly saying that it made Taehyung shudder.

His hand falls down from hers, the eyes never he tried to look into her eyes. But she looks away, "you're going to be my friend always" she says nervously. "You didn't looked into my eyes, now I'm 100% sure something is being hidden by you" he told.

"Jisoo talk to me, i want to help you" Taehyung again requests. Jisoo looks at him, his vulnerable state.

Before she could say anything more, Jungkook's voice came from outside, "Jisoo come quickly, I found another" he excitedly exclaims.

"I'm coming" she says looking at Taehyung's eyes that were about to tears up.

She walks out leaving Taehyung inside alone, cold and broken.

The Jisoo who used to gather the broken Taehyung in her arms now leaves him alone.

The wedding date comes near. Jisoo would stay at her room mostly and comes out whenever Jungkook comes to pick her for anything. Jeons stayed in a guesthouse of Kim's.

Mrs Jeon went to visit Taehyung's house. Mrs Kim was shocked to see her there. But she welcomes warmly, "Mrs Jeon? Please come" YounJi was surprised to see how warm this lady was to her. Even after knowing all of it.

Taehyung comes down in suit, maybe going to office. He was startled up seeing her, "how are you?" she asks Taehyung. Taehyung slowly walks down coming closer to her. "I'm fine. How have you been?" He inquires. Mrs Kim watches the conversation. But she felt very odd, is this how a mother meets her son?

Whenever she sees her son, she wants to hug him immediately but why isn't Mrs Jeon hugging her son?

They stayed silent so Mrs Kim said,"please have lunch with us" Mrs Jeon looks at her, shaking her head to deny but Mrs Kim insisted so later on she agrees.

As they settle down for the lunch. She saw how she serves both smiling. YounJi picks up a curry to give Taehyung but Mrs Kim stops, "no don't give him that, he hates it" she chuckles. "He likes this one" she puts it in his plate. "

"When he was 7, he used to hate vegetables. Every vegetables so I said if you don't eat vegetables mom will go far away then he would eat everything" she chuckles narrating about Taehyung's childhood to YounJi.

Taehyung liked how his mother remembers each and every details of him.

The whole lunch time passed with Mrs Kim talking about Taehyung and his childhood. Later Taehyung decided to drop Mrs Jeon.

They were in the car, "Mrs Kim is a really nice lady, she loves you very much" she starts talking very softly. "My mom is definitely one of the best person in this world" Taehyung proudly says smiling a little.

YounJi realized Taehyung has never needed her at all. So she asked this, "you have such a wonderful family, why did you looked for me?" Taehyung took a while to answer. "I wanted to know the reason why was I unwanted. After knowing that I want to give your culprit the punishment which I did" Taehyung really kept his words.

YounJi was so touched by this. She never treated him how he deserved it. Moreover she has hurted him more.

"Am I invited to Jungkook's wedding?" he asks stopping the car. They reached the destination. YounJi suttered to answer as she knew how close Taehyung and Jisoo were. She heard all the rumours of them after arriving here.

"Don't worry I was kidding" he made it clear. YounJi comes out of the car and Taehyung drove away. She watches the car leave. Her head is now filled with the thoughts of tomorrow. Tomorrow is the wedding after all.


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