chapter 7

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Jisoo and Taehyung reached Busan. Although he didn't wanted her to follow but she never listens does she?

"Tae, where are we staying at?" Jisoo asks as they were going out of the airport picking their bags. "a hotel" Taehyung replied picking Jisoo's bags. "okay" and they walked to a taxi and drove to the hotel.

"How may help you?" The receptionist asks. "I have booked a room, can you make it two?" He requests. "Sorry sir, there's no room left. It's full but we can arrange another bed in the room" she looks over at Jisoo and Taehyung.

"It'll do!" Jisoo asks taking the room keys quickly. She walks ahead, Taehyung follows asking, "let's see another hotel instead, how can we stay in same room?" Jisoo went inside the room. "Not a big deal, we are not strangers also we slept together many times when we were kids" Taehyung rolls his eyes. "We were kids, now we aren't. Be serious for once!" He kept all the bags and sat on the coach.

"Go take a shower and rest" he told Jisoo who was laying on bed scrolling through her phone. She didn't even heard him, he sighs annoyed and storms towards her. Annoyedly he snatched her phone, "what?" She asks frowning. "Go and take a shower!" He had to act like her dad. She stomps pouting angrily and took out some clothes and went inside the bathroom.

After changing she came outside and found another bed beside the previous one. "Woah! I can't even sleep with him!" She mutters disappointed. "I have ordered some food, take it. I'm going for a shower, you don't have to wait. Eat it" he went inside the bathroom. Meanwhile Jisoo informs the family they reached safely and are together.

Taehyung comes out, found the food was served and Jisoo was waiting. "I told you don't wait" he spoke rubbing his hairs with the towel. He hears a clicking sound, looking at Jisoo he saw her clicking photos of him. "Jisoo!" He yells. She giggles and closes her phone. "Is it a nice thing to click someone photos without permission?" He tsks. "It isn't I know but you're not a stranger so I'm allowed to click yours and you also can click my pictures" she shrugs serving him some food and he sat infront.

"There's no point arguing with you" he picks the fork and puts the food into the mouth.

"So Tae, what's next? What are we going to do next?" She asks chewing on the food. "I'm going to the hospital, let's see if I can find some information. But you should go to the office, I think you should focus on the business here. As you're here it's a plus point you can manage the business" Taehyung wipes his mouth after drinking the juice. "Tae I can handle both, I'll also come with you. When are you heading?" She asks as she wipes her mouth too.

"Jisoo you're tired, take rest" Taehyung could see her face, it's very pale and tiring. "Then let's do one thing, lets both of us take a nap for two hours and then we could go" Taehyung shakes his head. Jisoo drags him to the bed and pulls him, laying him directly. "Close your eyes" she says laying beside his bed. both are facing eachother, he sighs but closes his eyes.

"Good boy" she smiles looking at his closed eyes.

After some hours Jisoo woke up and found Taehyung not in the room. He really left without me? She thoughts pouting. She felt bad.

But she still goes out after getting ready. She was new to the city, so she didn't knew all the routes leading her to lost herself in the new city. "Shit!" She cusses herself. She found herself infront of a basketball club. She thought to go inside and call Taehyung to pick her up.

She sats in the audience, watching the game. There was many good players they all seems like pro at it. But she could hear the girls screaming one name particularly, "JEON JUNGKOOK! JEON JUNGKOOK!" That guy would not give any glance at anyone. He has lots of tattoos, piercing too. After the game ended girls rushes to him, offering him water. "Stay away" he told them and went to audience, to her surprise he came to her, she was startled.

She looks at him with widened eyes. "You need to move" he slowly spoke. "Huh?" She was confused what did he meant by that. "you're sitting on my jacket" as soon she process the words she quickly stood up with mouth agaps. He took his jacket and, shw quickly bows several times apologizing.

"I'm sorry, I didn't saw it. I was so blank I just sat without thinking" Jungkook watched her keenly. She don't looks like she's from here, he saw her for the first time. "It's okay" he told her. She still bows flustered by the interaction. Jungkook took his jacket and starts leaving before leaving he turned have a last glance at her to find she was typing vigoursly, tensed on her phone.

Other girls were jealous of Jisoo. After Jungkook left, they all ganged up and went to Jisoo. "How dare you snatch Jungkook's attention!?" One of the girl screams. "Do you think you are too pretty that he can't control himself!?" Other one held Jisoo's forearm in a tight gripping manner. "I am very pissed off, who are you though! I never saw you before" one of girl came infront and raises her hand to hit Jisoo.

Jisoo hides her face away ready to get the slap, but the hand didn't even touched her. She looks at the girls to see Taehyung holding the hand of the girl. "How dare you hit someone?" He spoke coldly and jerks away the girl's hand. "W-who are you? This is not your business" that girl sutters in fear.

"That's my business totally" Taehyung spoke holding Jisoo's hand. "I can just file a complaint against you girls, do you want a bad reputation? A criminal history at this age?" He threatens. They all quickly ran away leaving Jisoo and Taehyung alone..

He sighs looking at her, "this is why I didn't wanted you here" Jisoo looks down feeling sad. "It wouldn't had happened if you just took me with you?" She says angrily. "You're sleeping soundly I didn't wanted to disturb" he explains. She was still angry.

They sat in the taxi, "so what did you found?" She inquires about the hospital. "Nothing much, I'll go tomorrow they said the person who did the delivery of my mom will come tomorrow at hospital" Jisoo nods. "Uncle called, he said to stay at our guesthouse here he didn't like our staying in the hotel" Taehyung sighs he knew his dad would give him the world if he asked once. But he never wants to ask anything from him since he was young, now knowing they were not his real parents still took care of him so much breaks his heart in gratitude for them"

"Okay let's move in there" he spoke.


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