chapter 6

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That night Taehyung returned home with a flower bouquet saying sorry to his parents for his absurd behaviour.

After that night nothing remained same. Mr and Mrs Kim felt distanced between their son and them.

Almost a week passed, Jisoo felt something off. She knew he had been went through bitter truth but seeing him like this breaks her heart. She tried many times to make him talk but he has became a statue alike.

"let's go" Jisoo drove to a school they have opened together. Today was a function so they invited Taehyung and Jisoo as guests. "Welcome sir, ma'am! It's our pleasure to have you as guests" the principle welcomes Taehyung and Jisoo. "It's our pleasure to be here" Jisoo smiles replying. The function was prize ceremony, kids were very cheerful and happy to get the prizes. They all had came with their parents.

Taehyung's heart clenched watching the kids with their parents. He wonders where is his real parents? Are they alive? Why did they abandoned him? Was he stolen from them? Did he got lost from his parents?  Many questions ticked his mind. Jisoo noticed Taehyung looking at somewhere particular, his forehead crunched. She squeeze his hand, taking him out of trance. He looks at her to find her already staring, "are you okay?" She inquires. He nods blinking.

As they returned home, Taehyung straight went to his room instead of sitting with Jisoo and his family downstairs.

"Jisoo I'm very worried about him. He doesn't eat well, not talks much. I don't know what's going on in his mind" Mrs Kim cried hokdi Jisoo's hands. Jisoo sighs "I have been noticing that too, he never shares anything aunty I'm also tensed" she shares. Mr Kim shakes his head, "it's my fault I shouldn't have told him. What if someone else finds out?" Mr Kim panics. "unlce don't worry, I didn't even told my family. It's just four of us who knows" Jisoo reassures.

Mr Kim felt a relief but still anxious about his son. Taehyung is his only important thing, he doesn't have a heir it's only Taehyung. He don't want to see his son going in depression. He could do anything to bring smiles back on his face at any cost.

Suddenly Taehyung comes downstairs, "Tae" Mr Kim stood up watching him storming to them. "Dad, I..i want to do something" he softly spoke. Jisoo and Mrs Kim also stood up watching Taehyung. "What is it?" Mr Kim asks.

"I want to find my parents" this words felt like bow hitting Mr Kim's chest. Is Taehyung planning to leave them? Mrs Kim quickly holds Taehyung, "Tae, Tae no no I don't want to hear. You're not leaving us" she cried hugging him. "Mom" he hugs her back. "I'm not leaving you, I just want to find out who are my parents? Why did they left me?" Taehyung was saying truth. He wants to know what did he do that his parents left him? Never botherd to look for him.

"Why Tae? It's not necessary for you to know" Mrs Kim defies this. She doesn't want him to leave her. He broke the hug, carrasing her hairs softly, "please mom, this is my request to you and dad" he looks at his dad with pleading eyes.

Jisoo was unsure whatever is happening infront of her. She can't speak between the family right now but she would definitely talks to Taehyung privately.

Mrs Kim was stubborn to give permission, she kept saying no. So Jisoo stepped in, "Uncle take care of Aunty, I'll talk to Tae alone" she nods. Mr Kim agree and took Mrs Kim to their room.

"Let's go out Tae" she says softly to Taehyung who kept looking at his mother and father's leaving figure. He turns to Jisoo and follows her outside.

They walked on the streets alone, no one was around. Quiet and peaceful. Jisoo broke the silence, "Tae is it really important to know those people who you never met?" She asks looking infront of Street not bothering to look at him. Don't want to pressurise him with eye contacts.

"Jisoo, I never had any goals in my life till now. Suddenly I found a goal, a goal to know who is my parents? why they thought I'm a burden or why they never looked for me" Taehyung was serious whatever he was saying. "I want to find them that's it" he adds. This time he turns to look at her. All his life Jisoo always supported his every decision. whether it was how the office should be, or how they have interactions in media.

She kept awfully quiet, fears in his heart spoke out. He wants to know what was her statement in this.

She turns to him, softly says "even if you don't find them, you have us" this only means she agrees. "I'll take care of Aunty" she adds reassuring him that she would make Jisoo agree. He couldn't help but give her small smile, smile of gratefulness.

Taehyung decided to visit the hospital he was birthed in. He took the address, it was in Daegu. "We used to stay in Daegu, later after you came we left and came here in Gwaunju" and after coming here Taehyung's father oneday met Jisoo's father. They became close friends, business partners.

"What are you thinking?" Jisoo asks. He looks at his parents and Jisoo answering, "Daegu"

Taehyung decided to go Daegu. This is the only way to find his parents. Mrs Kim was terrified to let go Taehyung. But he made her understand no matter what happens he will come back to his parents, they are his real and own parents, the parents that gave him love, affection, name, education. Mrs Kim cried a lot but she understood Taehyung is her son, and he would come back to her.

Today Taehyung was leaving for Daegu, ready for a journey. Jisoo's parents were surprised to know Taehyung going to Daegu suddenly. Mr Kim lied to them saying he is going there to help the Daegu franchise.

Taehyung was on the flight looking down, already missing his family, Jisoo. If she was here, she would blabber enough to keep him distracted from missing anyone. But he didn't told her the time of leaving so she wouldn't follow him. He knew she would definitely follow him, stayed by him.

He felt someone sitting beside, he didn't look at the person and kept looking down from the window. Suddenly a voice came, "is it very fun to look down there?" The voice sounded very familiar. He was already sensing who is it. He close his eyes in annoyance sighing he spoke the name out, "Jisoo!"

She gave him the warmest smile.


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