chapter 27

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"Tae are you sure we didn't left anything behind?" Jisoo asked Taehyung who was picking the luggage from her, taking to the car outside.

Right now they are leaving to Gwanju. The next part of the revenge is set in Gwanju.

Taehyung nods giving her assurance. When they went out and saw Jeon family stood outside waiting. "Mr Jeon?" Jisoo looks at the family. Jungkook's eyes looks like he cried all night. Why is he so attached to her, she couldn't understand this.

"We thought off seeing you guys off to the airport" Mr Jeon replies handing a gift to the both. "What was the need of this?" Jisoo humbled. "It's just my token of love. It's really weird but I feel very loving towards you both" Mr Jeon says smiling.

Taehyung's heart clenched thinking how he might hate him if he ever comes across the truth.

His eyes moves to his mother who's eyes were little teary. "God bless you both" Mr Jeon pats Jisoo's head and Taehyung's shoulder. "We are getting late for the flight" Taehyung breaks away the eye contact with his mother as his eyes were about to drop off the tears.

"Yeah let's go guys" Mr Jeon says. He and Jisoo were the only one who were speaking and answering. Others were gloomy in their own sadness.

They all settled down in two cars. In one car sat Taehyung, Mrs Jeon and Jungkook. Another car sat Jisoo with Mr Jeon.

"Can I call you hyung?" Jungkook suddenly asked looking at Taehyung through the front mirror of the car. It startled Taehyung and Mrs Jeon both. Mrs Jeon looks at Jungkook with widened eyes, wondering if he already came to know about the truth or not.

"y-yeah" he sutters looking ahead of the road. "Thanks Hyung. You helped me a lot during the training" he thanked Taehyung with a small smile. "it's okay" Taehyung says lowly.

"Why are you guys leaving so hurriedly?" He came to the main point that he wanted to know.

Taehyung went quiet thinking, Mrs Jeon looked at his with racing heart. "Our parents were missing us, we never stayed away from them" he told.

"Jisoo must be very pampered in her home" Jungkook chuckled thinking how she must have got treated at home. "Not really" Taehyung says. "She gets pampered in my home more than hers" he chuckles remembering how his mother would team up with Jisoo to make him do something.

Jungkook's smile falls wondering how intimate their relationship is. Are they only friends? He mutters in his head.

Meanwhile, in the other car Jisoo and Mr Jeon were having conversations happily. "So when are you inviting us to your and Taehyung's married?" his question made her face go red. She blushes hard denying their relationship, "we are not even dating" Mr Jeon chuckles loud.

"Sure you guys aren't" he teases. "no really we aren't!" Jisoo pressures to deny. "You are going to say "we are just friends" , your generation is really afraid of commitment huh?" he jokes. "No actually it's complicated, forget it." Jisoo can't explain what they have.

At last they reached the airport. They flight was ready to aboard. "Please visit us when it's possible" Mr Jeon told them. "We will definitely try" Jisoo smiles replying.

Taehyung and Jisoo turns to leave but Taehyung turns back one more time to see his mother. He mouths, "I'll do as I said" to her and turns back to leave.

YounJi was selfish she knows. She was coward too. But if this makes her family away from darkness she would be coward and selfish. Not only her family even Taehyung would go through a lot if she accepts him infront of the world.

She doesn't want to give him any hope. He is better where he was.

Kim famillies were stood in airport to welcome their kids. And there comes Jisoo and Taehyung after a long wait.

Jisoo comes running hugging Taehyung's mother making her mother jealous and piss. "Yeah Kim Jisoo!" Her mother yells making her laugh. She broke the hug with Taehyung's mother and hugged her mother next.

Taehyung's mother hugs her son after a long time. she started crying on his chest, Taehyung pats her head, "I'm back to you mom" he told. She looks at him with tearful eyes breaking the hug, "don't leave me again" he nods smiling.

Mr Kim watch them smiling, "when is my turn?" He jokes making everyone laugh. Taehyung hugs his father, Jisoo's mother, father, Jin one by one.

They all went to their respective homes. Taehyung was hesitating to go right now. He wants to tell them what is his real identity. He was afraid will they be able to take it..

"Mom, Dad" he calls them out after they all settled down in the living room sofa. They look at them waiting for him to speak, "I have found my mom and I know why she abandoned me" Mr and Mrs Kim looks at him with widened eyes. Waiting patiently for him to reveal.

Taehyung slowly started revealing it all. It was as if they were turning pages of a mystery book.

They couldn't believe how inhumane Mr Park was. They knew him for years but never ever thought he would be like this.

"Do you both still accept as your son? I understand if you don't want to" his heart was burdened with heavy stones as if she he was talking.

Mr Kim comes forward and holds his face in his hand, "even if the world says I should leave you, I'll fight them and love you my son. Me and your mother cried for a child always and you made us smile always after you arrived in our life. You are our happiness pill" he said every calmly.

Mrs Kim comes forward too still crying, "I don't care who's blood runs in your vein, I only care about the upbringing I gave" she says holding his hand.

Taehyung broke down in crying and hugs them, "what did I even do to have you both?" The family cried hugging eachother.

This was almost so emotional that it could be a scene of a movie..

Taehyung broke the hug as a question strike his head, "Will Jisoo's family accept this?" Mr Kim shrugged off, "he is my friend and moreover he saw you since you were a kid he could never hate you" he assured Taehyung. Taehyung looks at his mother for assurance and Mrs Jeon nods.

Taehyung felt relieved now. If Jisoo can accept, her parents will too. After all, they love him so much.

Suddenly his phone beams with a notification,

"Did you told them everything? Let me guess what they did,..ummm they happily accepted and said "we love you"

Jisoo has been telling him that they all will always love him no matter what. He smiles reading her text.

"Did Jisoo texted?" Mrs Kim asks going to the kitchen. Taehyung tried hide the fact he was blushing.


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