Chapt 2: The Way Life is Now

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Tyler remained cautious as he entered the camp we didn't follow right behind the car but enough to know where we were going but not enough so that they could notice.

We went up the hill arriving at the top where a camp had been set up. Just like Tyler thought. The people raised their guns at us a familiar voice instructing us to get out of the car with our hands up.

We both slowly exited the car with our hands up. What did Tyler just drive us into?

"Tyler? Owner of the only funeral home back home?" It was Shane. That's why the voice sounded so familiar.

"And y/n, wow I honestly thought you both would be the first to go given that your jobs are closely with the dead." Shane said looking at us.

"You can all lower your weapons this is Tyler and y/n. They won't harm anyone." I breathed a sighed of relief as the folks began lowering their weapons.

"Well. Since none of these fine folks are gonna introduce themselves I guess I will, Hello, name is Austin" A blond-headed man said walking up to us and shaking Tyler's hand and mine.

I got lost a little bit in his eyes, they were beautiful. One was blue and the other brown. I always found people with different colored eyes so beautiful.

"Problem brown eyes?" He asked with a smirk pulling me from my trance.

"Um yes sorry I uh." I realized I was still holding onto his hand I quickly pulled away turning to the car.

"Smooth" Tyler whispered to me.

"Are you two just passing through?" Shane asked not really paying close attention to us he flicked his eyes over to his partner Rick Grimes. I recognized him from a few house calls too. It seemed strange the way Shane was acting but I shrugged it off. It was the end of the world and the beginning of a new one, of course some people would be acting s bit strange.

"Well, we were wondering if there was any of civilization left. Maybe in the city?" Tyler began to explain.
Meanwhile, I was trying to look anywhere but at the beautiful man named Austin.

"The city fell," An older man said he had a bucket hat and gave a smile.

"Name is Dale. But you two are welcome to join our little encampment here if you would like you just have to join in on helping with the chores"

"Woah woah, Dale. I don't think that's such a good idea." Shane said walking over to him.

"And why not? You just said that they won't harm anyone. And that's good enough for me"

"Dale is right Shane. We have talked and met with these two long before everything fell I'm sure it will be fine" Rick said walking over a little boy attached to his hip.

I closed my eyes for a second turning away. This was the first child I have seen alive for months. I opened them trying not to think about the little bodies we had to bury without their parents there to say goodbye.

I felt a pat on my shoulder.
"You okay?" Tyler asked looking at me with a concerned look.

Rick, Dale, Austin, and Shane were discussing something in low voices. Probably on if they should keep us around or not.

"Yes... sorry...just first child I have seen alive in months..." Tyler gave me a nod and a sympathetic smile. "Yea I know. But hey you remember the rule?"

I nodded. "Its not my loss" he nodded

"So it's time you suck it up a little bit okay?" I nodded and he gave me a smile and a pat on the shoulder.

"Alright, you two can stay, its agreed. We need more manpower. That is if you two want to stay. You two might have families you want to get back to?" Rick said looking at the two of us.

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