Chapt. 5: Trapped

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"Did you just lock us in??" Glenn yelled. "He just locked us in!"

I was wide eyed and trying to keep calm. There has to be a way out there is always a way out. I was looking around frantically for another door but there was none.

Jenner sat down beginning to record something. He was talking so calmly to the computer screen.

"You son of a bitch!" Daryl yelled as he ran up the stairs and going towards Jenner

"Shane!!" Rick yelled pointing at Daryl

"You locked us in here!!" He yelled. Being grabbed and held back by both Shane and Austin. Daryl was still fighting against them as they held him back from hurting Jenner. Who just kind of looked annoyed rather then scared.

"Jenner you open that door now" Rick said walking to him trying to keep calm.

"No point everything topside is locked down. The emergency exits are sealed"

"Well open the damn thing" Dale said

"I can't I don't control it the computers do. Now I told you that once those doors closed it wouldn't open again. You heard me say that"

I thought back to yesterday when we entered the building. I remembered him saying that. We all just thought he meant for a safety precaution not that he would try to kill us. At least I think that's what is about to happen.

"Its better this way"

"What is? What happens in 28 minutes" Jenner just gave him a look turning back to his computer screen and typing something.

"What happens in 28 minutes??" Rick asked again more sternly and this time grabbing the back of the Jenner's chair. Which seemed to have pushed a button cause he got up and began to yell "Do you know what this place is?! We protected the public from very nasty stuff! Weaponized smallpox! Ebola strains that could wipe out half the country! Stuff that you don't want getting out ever!!!" before taking a breath and sitting back down.

"In the event of a catastrophic power failure, a terrorist attack for example. HITs are deployed to prevent any organism from getting out"


"Vi... define"

"HITs. High-impulse thermobaric fuel-air explosives. Consists of a two stage aerosol ignition that produces a blast wave of significant greater power and duration then any other known explosive except nuclear. The vacuum-pressure effect ignites the oxygen at between 5000° and 6000° and is useful when the greatest loss of life and damage to structure is desired"

"It. Sets the air on fire..." I said out loud. People around were crying Lori was hugging her child and Carol was hugging hers.

"No pain, and end to sorrow, grief, regret, everything.." Jenner said.

"It doesn't fix the mess outside. I mean come on. 'Stuff we don't want getting out ever'? Well newsflash Jenner its already out!" I didn't know what came over me this is the first time I ever had the guts to stand up to someone.

I heard a bottle hit the door.

"Open the damn door!" Daryl yelled. While T-dog was breaking into the emergency fire axes. Throwing them up to Shane and Daryl as they began to hack at the door with them, not even making a dent..

I heard the children crying. They were going to die.. We all were.

"You should've left well enough alone. It would have been so much easier"

"Easier for who!?" Lori asked

"All of you, a short, brutal life and an agonizing death" he turned to Andrea. "Your... your sister what was her name?"

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