Chapt 14: The barn

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I woke up at the crack of dawn having to pee, so I crawled over Austin, trying my best not to wake him, and headed off to the farmhouse.

I rounded the corner, coming face to face with a shirtless Daryl. "S...sorry," I said, distracted a bit by his muscles and the scars on his chest, which caused me to silently wonder about them. He quickly put on a shirt. He had just taken a shower, which surprised me a little because I didn't think he took showers.

"Watch it." He growled.

"You are up early," I said.

"Yeah, what about it?" He snapped, was he mad at me for what Austin did?

"Just... Nevermind.." I said as he started to walk past me, "Hey," I said and he stopped in his tracks turning to look at me. "I'm sorry for yesterday, for everything."

"Why are you apologizing?"

"Because you seem angry."

"Look I rather not get mixed up between you and Austin. Ain't none of my business but he is an asshole, so if you want to date that asshole go right ahead I ain't getting in the middle of it just don't come cryin to me when he turns on you." and with that, he left.

I walked into the bathroom going back over what he just said. What did he mean turn on me? Austin was a little aggressive but why on earth would turn on me? Turn on me how? Then again was he right? Was Austin right, did I deserve what happened?

"There you are." I heard Tyler's voice say. I looked up at him. I was sitting in one of our 4 parlors, in the corner, with my knees up to my chest. He sighed sitting down beside me.

"It's okay you know? To cry." I sniffed looking at him confused, was it really okay for the funeral director to cry?

"Your first arrangement conference, your first case all by yourself, and it's a baby, it's okay to cry."

"We aren't supposed to though, Maybe I'm not meant for this career."

"Oh sweetheart, yes you are your talent in the prep room is phenomenal to say the least, just cause you can't hold it together after the family has left doesn't mean you aren't cut out for it. Besides, it shows you got a heart and a big one at that."

"You never cry."

"You are very much wrong on that, I cried when your folks died, I cry on a lot of these cases, it is okay, but you gotta learn to not hold it in y/n. That's what you've been doing, You only hold it in around the family, but once that door shuts you can cry those tears. Just remember it is not your loss." It was silent for a moment before I spoke up.



"Did I deserve what happened?" He looked at me conflicted with the question or perhaps confused.

"Y/N what happened was not your fault, you lived for a reason and maybe that reason is to help families like you have been. If there is another reason I'm sure you will figure it out. And no you never deserved that but again that wasn't your fault."

I finished using the bathroom before looking at myself in the mirror once again, the voice of Tyler echoing in my head "That wasn't your fault"

Maybe that applied to this situation too. Maybe my getting hurt like that wasn't my fault. I then wondered to myself if the other things Austin said were true or not, if no one here actually liked me or cared about me. If they didn't why would they take me in?

I sighed making my way out of the bathroom and outside, the sun had just risen over the horizon making it look so beautiful. I stood there admiring how the earth continued to move even though her inhabitants were dying.

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