Chapt 13: Protection

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It was the next day when I was finally allowed to go back to camp. Just had to rest for another day.

"Hey" I heard Andrea's voice say. I put down the book I was reading.


"I'm sorry, I feel like shit. I don't expect you to forgive me but if there is anything I can do"

"Oh its okay Andrea. You were just trying to protect the group. Nothing wrong with that." She gave me a small smile before leaving out the tent.

"What she want?" Austin asked entering the tent and kneeling down beside the cot.

"Just wanted to apologize for shooting me."

He shrugged. "Nothing to apologize for, she didn't kill you. You are fine."

"Yea, guess you are right."

"I'm going with Shane to do some target praticing, not that I need to tell you though, not like we are in highschool."

"Oh okay, be careful and have fun."

"Why are you mad?"

"Austin, I'm not im just telling you to have fun.." I said a bit quietly. Why did he think I was mad? Why is he being so passive-aggressive? What did I do?

He rolled his eyes and scoffed, "Whatever, I aint the idiot that decides to go tramping around the woods with white trash." He then left the tent.

I was left feeling confused and a bit upset. I didn't understand what I did wrong. I sighed and instead of trying to read I just pulled the sheet up to my chin and dozed off.


It was noon time when I woke up. Muffin was curled up beside me purring and making biscuits. I smiled to myself as I stroked his back. I thought about Tyler. What would he be doing right now?

He would probably be off helping search for Sophia. Maybe he would be here giving me a lecture on being careful in the woods.

"Scent beads they always come in handy for cases like this." Tyler said, grabbing a bottle of scent beads and sprinkling them into the foot end of the casket.

Mrs. Beran, had been dead for over a week and half now, and even though she was embalmed she was starting to stink.

"Better?" He asked putting the lid back on the bottle and putting it on the counter.

"Much." He smiled.

"Tell you something though. You have a great poker face. You didn't even flinch. Just sucked in your breath and even then that wasn't noticeable."

"How did you notice then?"

"I have been doing this for 20 years, y/n. I have had many apprentices walk through those doors. You notice things."

I just smiled.

"Hey, are you okay?" Daryl's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I nodded, and he slowly sat down beside my cot grunting a bit as he did.

"How about you?"

"Yea just got some stitches." He said rubbing Muffin's head. We sat in silence for a bit but it was comforting silence.

"What are you gonna do today?" He asked me after a while.

I shrugged, "Guess just lay in bed."

"Can I ask you something?" I nodded

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