Part 23:

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 OKAY I NEED SOME HELP ON THIS YALL. I need yall to decide whether or not you want Fuyumi to have no love life, or have a love life with"God" or Gon in this case or anyone else :D <3

      "Huh?" Tsunade muttered.

       "Who are you all?" Fuyumi asked.

       'How did she lose her memory? She didn't have any penalty-'

       'It's not her penalty, it's yours.'


       'If you haven't noticed, you've been breaking the rules recently. Until the penalty is over, she won't remember a single thing.'

      'Why her and not me? She doesn't deserve this.'

      'Because anything happening to you isn't a punishment for you. You see Fuyumi as family. There's a way to fix this. But that's only if Fuyumi can remember who you are.'

      'What caused my penalty?'

     'Giving the memories of the person she fought. It's your penalty because it would've killed her if she wasn't so powerful already. You risked human life.'

      Fuyumi was brought back to her house, and weirdly knew what to do for everything. She had forgotten everyone, but not what she did. 

     Everyone didn't know what to do, they had no idea how she lost her memory. They had been introducing her to everyone, and had been brought to Sunagakure to meet the others. 

     "Fuyumi." Gaara smiled.

     "Do I know you?" Fuyumi questioned.

     "What? Fuyumi, don't joke-"

     Zabuza pulled him to the side, "We don't what happened, but while she was on a mission to retrieve Sasuke, and during a battle she lost consciousness, she's only waken up recently and has no memory of anyone. She still remembers about being a fashion designer and cafe owner." He explained.

      "Why did she go on the mission? She's not a ninja."

      "They thought she'd be okay, she's the strongest person we know. They thought-"

      "Who's they?" Gaara asked, getting angrier by the second.

      "It's because I don't want them to be targeted that I'm saying "they". Don't blame them, her fainting was strange, no injuries, no signs of mental trauma, she just fainted." Zabuza explained.

      Gaara turned back to Fuyumi, only to see her talking with a white haired guy.

     "It's nice to meet you, I'm a fan of your work. I'm Gon." The white haired guy said.

     "Oh, thank you! I'm Fuyumi! Wait, Gon?" Fuyumi laughed.

    He smiled, asking her why she was laughing, but she didn't know why. Gon kept annoying her and teasing her, which gave Fuyumi a sense of deja vu.

   "Have I...met you before? You seem familiar." Fuyumi asked.

   His eyes lit up, "I think so."

   "I've heard of a Gon before, but not from you..."

   "Fuyumi, want to have a tour of Sunagakure?" Gaara asked.

   "Huh? No, thank you. I know my way already." Fuyumi declined, making Gaara a bit upset.

    Fuyumi kept her mind occupied with Gon, trying her best to figure out who he was. She met him before, she just knows it.

    "Fuyumi, you alright?" Gon asked, sitting beside her.

   "Yeah. I guess. I wish I could get my memory back, everyone seems so nice. The worker in my cafe seemed so upset when he realised I lost my memory."

     Fuyumi had started to continue her business and stop thinking about the people she forgot, focusing on expanding her business. She travelled to Kirigakure and Kumogakure, selling her clothes and slowly becoming famous worldwide. 

     Fuyumi was strolling around a forest and ran into people with clothes she had designed before, "Oh, Fuyumi." Itachi realised.

     "Do I know you? Ah, you must've heard of me from the other villages. Wanna buy something?" Fuyumi asked, looking at all the other people.

     "You don't remember me? I broke Sasuke's arm, you designed this for us." Kisame questioned.

      "Who's Sasuke?"

     "Okay, now you're pissing me off-"

     "Kisame, stop. I don't think she's lying." Itachi said, stopping Kisame from laying a hand on Fuyumi.

     "Fuyumi, don't move." Itachi stated, placing her under a genjutsu.

     "What was that for?" Sasori asked.

     "She's powerful, I want to know what made her lose her memory, and I want to see if she can join us." He said.

     "Her? Powerful? Sure, she's a genius in fashion, but are you sure-"

     "She can manifest anything she wants as long as it comes from chakra. From Sharingan, Rinnegan, Byakugan, and can match Tsunade's healing ability." Itachi explained.

      Everyone was silent, agreeing to trying to get Fuyumi to join them. Fuyumi had woken up on a bed, and looked around to see the same people.

     "Um, what happened to me?" Fuyumi asked.

     "I'm sorry Fuyumi, we were attacked, we didn't react in time and you got hit, but we bandaged you up and got rid of that guy." Kisame explained.

     "Oh, thank you. Um, you are?"

     "Kisame. I'll introduce you to everyone. Don't worry, they're nice people."

     Fuyumi warily followed them and was introduced to everyone, and they were all nice to her. Sasori and Pein weren't so friendly, but they treated her with kindness and cared for her.

      In Konoha, Tsunade and Shizune were concerned about Fuyumi, wondering why she hadn't returned yet. Sure, she's always travelling to other villages to promote her clothing line, but it shouldn't be taking her that long.

     "Shizune, call Zabuza. I need to assign him a mission." Tsunade ordered.

     Zabuza came, and was assigned a mission to track Fuyumi, he didn't have to bring her back, but had to check her situation.

     Zabuza had been able to track her easily due to her fame, but was shocked to see her hanging out with the Akatsuki, though it was hard to recognise them at first because their clothes were different.

    Zabuza quickly returned, explaining his observations, which angered Tsunade.

    "They're taking advantage of the fact that she lost her memory. They're trying to bring her to their side!" She yelled, slamming her hands on the table.

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