Prologue [Part 1]

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Chris P.O.V.


Kingston set off two warning shots into the air, and two of his men walked down the alleyway.

"I should just pop a cap in yo ass now, but that would be childish." I smirked. Okay, and?

"But I want something more, there's something better than killing you right ... this ... second," he said, putting the glock to my temple.

"Okay." I wanted to laugh out loud, this fool actually thought he scared me.

"Don't you wanna know what it is?" he questioned.

"Sure," I said, cockily.

His face turned hard. "Uh uh, it's not that easy," he stated, removing the gun from my head. "And since you wanna play around, you'll just have to figure it out. You'll know soon, what's missing."

He, followed by two of his soldiers, turned around and walked back the other way.

"How scary they are," I joked to myself.

I walked back to the car I had set Lauren behind. I was so excited to go lay down with her and make sure she was alright. I'd make this night up to her.

"Babygirl?" I asked, walking behind the car. Nobody answered.

"Lauryn?" I called out. Silence.

I began to walk down the road, almost tripping on something. I looked to the ground and bent down to pick something up.

Lauryn's lipstick. I remembered the color on her lips.

The lipstick was here, but Lauryn was gone.

*End of Flashsback*

I was awaken by my phone ringing. It was 2:45 in the morning. I was breathing heavy from dreaming about what happened tonight, but I tried to slow it down as I answered.

It was from a blocked number. "Speak," I said into it.

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to answer." It was Kingston.

"What do you want?" I spat.

"It's not what I want, it's what you want." I rolled my eyes and waited for his response. They didn't have nobody. He was joking. "We have the girl," he whispered into the receiver.

"Oh yeah? Who?" I questioned, waiting for evidence.

"Her." I heard a gunshot and then whimpering coming from a woman.


"Don't kill her. She's innocent. What you want man?" I commanded.

"There's nothing you can do now. She's given us everything we need already."

"Kingst-" The phone beeped off.

I feared for the worst.

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