Chapter 7: Planning

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Lauryn P.O.V.

July faded to August and my three month mark approached warily. The summer weather was extremely hot and I was gaining little by little, and being pregnant caused me to complain a lot.

"For Christ's sake, it's too damn hot!" I exclaimed as Ayanna loaded me in her car. "Does this appointment have to be so early?" Since I was 10 weeks, I was having my first prenatal appointment with an OB/GYN.

"You made it," she said, chuckling.

"Yeah, yeah." I chomped hard on my apple, hurting a tooth. "Ow!" I screamed.

"Can you just relax and be careful until we get there?" she asked, smiling. "That's my goddaughter in there." She motioned to my stomach and started the car while blasting an old Mary J. Blige CD.

That was another thing I was worried about. Although I went to Catholic church every other Sunday, I wasn't very religious, but my friends have been making a baptism and selection of godparents a big deal lately. I wouldn't even begin to know who to pick as godmother. Even though I spend most of my time with Gianna, everyone's been extra helpful and patient with me.

We arrived at my appointment late, I had made Yann stop for Dunkin Donuts, and when I walked in they were ready for me. My doctors assistant came in, and a lot of the time consisted of a weigh-in, a blood pressure reading as well as a urine test, blood work, and answering tons of questions for my chart. I didn't expect so much to be done even before the doctor came to examine.

"And what about your partners family? Any medical conditions we should be concerned about?" My mind immediately went blank and I froze as I realized I knew nothing about Chris's family. Nothing about Chris.

This whole time so far, everything had been about me, me, and oh yeah, me. I realized I hadn't even given him a chance to try and be involved. Of course he could call every now and then, but I barely gave him the time of day. I was being selfish.

"Ms. Rodriguez?"

"Yes," I snapped at her. "Oh right, no, nothing's wrong. I mean, no problems."

"Good!" she exclaimed perkily, and slammed my chart closed. "The doctor will be right in."

No good. Everything was no good.

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