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It was a typical evening in Jeon’s district. The air was crisp, and the sky was a deep shade of indigo, speckled with twinkling stars. The streetlights cast long shadows across the sidewalks as they flickered to life, illuminating the town's cozy homes.

In one particular house, a young man named Jungkook sat alone in his room, his heart heavy with confusion and betrayal. He stared at the framed photo on his bedside table, the image of him and his boyfriend Taehyung looking impossibly happy. But now, it seemed like that happiness was nothing more than a distant memory.

He had come from work all tired only to see his mother in distress and Taehyung. Well, he was nowhere in sight. That only caused him to be ten times worried. What he didn’t know was that tonight, he was going to face the biggest betrayal in his life.

“Mom, what happened? Where is Taehyung?” Jungkook questioned, seeing his mother standing up to grab his arms. Somewhat trying to comfort him from what she is going to say next.

“He left son, he got angry and started shouting at me and stormed out and when I checked his phone there was a message stated I’m coming to meet you I’m tried with this relationship, I’m so tired.”

Jungha said as she watched her son fall to the ground in grief. “He left, just like that?”

“I’m so sorry, son, didn’t I warn you, you didn’t listen.” Jungha said instead of comforting her son whom she witnessed for the first time crying.

He did cry in his childhood for toys or candies, but this was different, so different.

“Mom please, leave me alone.” Jungkook said as he got up and left to his room, wanting to be away from everything. While Jungha just watched as her son stumbled upon the stairs to his room.

Somewhere in her heart, guilt was present. “Did I do the right thing?” She asked herself but shrugged and went to her room. After all, she didn't approve of their relationship. She believed that because Taehyung was poor, he wasn't good enough for her precious son.

As he sat there, lost in thought, Jungkook couldn't help but wonder where Taehyung was now. Had he really left him? A part of him hoped not, but another part feared the worst.

He remembered the fight they'd had that morning, their voices raised and sharp as knives. It had started over something stupid, a misunderstanding, but it had escalated quickly.

They'd said things to each other that they didn't mean, and now they were paying the price.

Did Taehyung take his anger out on his mother? He knew his boyfriend he would never. But what about the message? His phone was still at home. it's like Taehyung wanted to vanish from his life completely. Something wasn’t right.

Jungkook shivered and pulled his blanket tighter around his shoulders. He glanced at the clock on his nightstand. It was nearly midnight. He wondered if Taehyung was safe if he'd found somewhere warm to sleep. Or if he was out there, lost and alone, wondering where he'd gone wrong.

You are so pathetic, Jungkook, for thinking about him when he left you willingly. Jungkook thought to himself as he cried to sleep.

Jungkook had always been a free-spirited soul, but five months ago, something changed him. He became cold and distant, his laughter replaced by a bitter scoff. His sole focus shifted to work, and nothing else seemed to matter anymore.

The friends he once had now avoided him like the plague. It was as if a dark cloud had descended upon him, casting a perpetual shadow over everything he did.

He couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing from his life, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. In the beginning, he'd tried to search for Taehyung, the love of his life, but after two months of fruitless efforts, he'd given up hope.

He'd come to terms with the fact that Taehyung was simply gone.

But then, just when he thought he'd finally moved on, an unexpected event shook him to his core.

It was a bright, sunny day, and Jungkook was driving to work when a pregnant boy stepped out into the middle of the road, oblivious to the speeding cars around him.

Betrayal- Taekook ffWhere stories live. Discover now