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Stepping off the plane in Raleigh, I felt a wind of change. I couldn't describe it, but I could feel it. Something was different. Shit, for all I know, everything could be different. This summer would either end happily or go down in flames. There was no in between when you spent a summer with the Pogues in the OBX.

As I walked out the double doors of the airport, my line of sight was immediately hit with the infamous Twinkie. The van had been a staple in the Routledge family for god knows how many years. It was a sight for sore eyes, but man was I happy to see it. And the driver.

"Kaz!" John B cupped both hands around his mouth to amplify the sound of his shouts.

I ran to the Twinkie holding onto both of my checked bags as I rolled them across the street to the parking lot.

As I approached the van, I saw the driver and passenger side doors both opening.

Who the hell could he possibly have brought with him?

Shaggy blonde hair. Blue eyes. A cut off tee showing off his biceps.

JJ motherfucking Maybank.

"How was the flight, Kaz?" John B wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a hug.

"It was chill. I forgot how different it was down here from New York. It's been so long."

"Well you know the OBX, paradise on earth." John B chuckled. I swear that was his favorite thing to say when he talked about his hometown.

"Jayj. Jesus Christ, be a gentleman and help Kaz with her other bags." JB said as he glided my backpack off my shoulders and slung it into the back of the van.

Hesitantly, JJ took my other bags from me and placed them beside my backpack in the van.

I didn't think the passenger seat would be worth arguing with him over, so I just decided to sit in the back.

With a three hour ride to the OBX, I put my AirPods in & laid my head back. I was exhausted from the flight, so it was no surprise to me when my eyes started to flutter and I drifted off to sleep.

"Home sweet home. Welcome back to the chateau, Kaz." JB's voice boomed and made me come out of my deep sleep.

The boys carried my bags for me and led the way into the chateau. It was exactly how I remembered it. That same screen door that barely kept the mosquitoes out. The same sofa and chairs on the front porch. The same couch in the living room. Everything was the same.

"Alright so seeing as there's only two rooms and J's been staying here, you can take over the room he was sleeping in. And he'll take the couch."

The dirty look he gave to JB made me audibly laugh.

"Oh, yeah. So funny. Kicking me out onto the couch. I see." Sarcasm bit through his tone but I could tell he was holding back a laugh too.

"Pope and Kie are both off on vacation with their families all summer, so it's just the four of us" John B said.

"Four? There's only three of us here."

"Sarah too."

"Sarah? Who the hell is Sarah?" My eyebrows furrowed.

"Uh.. Sarah..Sarah Ca-Cameron". His attempt at trying to muffle his words failed.

"Sarah Cameron? As in Kook living on the figure eight Sarah Cameron? Wasn't it you who told me to never trust a Kook? First rule of Pogue life in the OBX. You said that, John B. What the hell happened?"

JJ was eating a bag of chips he found stuffed into the couch cushion, moving his head back and forth as John B and I were having our heated discussion, as if he was watching a damn movie or something.

"I uh...good point, Kaz. I did say that. Yes. But she's not a Kook anymore. She's one of us. A shit ton's changed since you were here last. Sarah and I got together last summer and been together ever since."

"Ever fucking since. Can't get 'em off of each other, really. It's kinda gross. Young love." JJ made a fake vomiting sound effect, and pulled a laugh out of both John B and I.

"Fine. If you're happy, then that's all that matters. Now where are the drinks?"

The boys laughed again.

"Slow down, alcy. Only person around here allowed to get that excited over drinking is me. Here. We came prepared." JJ threw me a twisted tea from beside the couch. I didn't like beer. Thank god they remembered.

"Better unpack and start getting ready". JB said.

"Ready for what?" I squinted at him mid-drink.

"It's the first bonfire of the summer tonight. That's why Sarah's not here. She's out to the liquor store, stocking up on booze. We gotta have enough to pregame and to have at the beach."

I dropped to the ground and immediately started going through my bags to find an outfit. After skimming through, I finally had an okay enough outfit put together, so I sprinted to the bathroom. A simple white cropped tube top and a tight light blue, distressed denim mini skirt.

After tousling my hair around with some mousse for a few minutes, I had the desired effect that I was going for. After the hair I went for a simple make up look. Just some eyeliner, some mascara, and a nice coat of lip gloss— which I knew I'd end up having to reapply a million times throughout the night.

With impeccable timing, Sarah was coming into the chateau as I was exiting the bathroom.

"A 24 pack of PBR for the boys. And a bottle of Tito's and 1800 for us ladies. It's shot'o clock", Sarah said, opening the bottle of 1800.

"Boys take the first shot with us. Do it for me, then you can get back to your piss tasting beer", I said.

"Well I'd certainly never turn down a shot", JJ said as he grabbed one of the little plastic shot glasses off of the table.

Hey, fellow OBX fans. I love the show and the characters so I really wanted to make a fanfiction and put my own little spin on things. Not even sure if anyone will read this, but here's to hoping. Lmao. I know the story is about Rafe, but there's a little JJ action in here too. Enjoy, loves.

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