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I would be lying if I said I hadn't been eye-fucking Kazzie since the second I saw her walk out of the airport. She was completely changed from the last time I saw her. Last time, she had braces and wore baggy clothes. Now she was fully bloomed. Everywhere. I haven't seen an ass like hers in I don't know how long.

The outfit she has on now sure as shit wasn't stopping my mind from racing and playing out all the different things I wanted to do to her. That jean skirt clung to her hips in the perfect way. And the skirt was so short, you could see the faintest hint of ass sticking out the bottom.

Now normally, John B would've clocked that and made her change. But she was 18 now. He didn't even try to make her change. He knew he couldn't stop her from doing what she wanted.

I don't know how the fuck I'm supposed to sleep in the same house as her, and see her in pajamas every night without getting horny.

Of course John B gave me the talk before we picked her up from the airport. He had to let me know that her appearance had changed quite a bit, and if I was going to be macking on her, I better do it where he couldn't see. All understandable of course. I would've given my friend the same talk about my cousin if I had one.

As I take my second shot of tequila, letting the hot liquid slide down my throat, I can't stop myself from staring at Kaz again. She's just so stunning. Jet black, wavy hair that stopped right above the top of her ass. Big, bright blue eyes. Full pouty lips. Sun-kissed skin. And a body that just won't fucking quit , how could I not stare at her?

With an hour left before the bonfire, John B and Sarah went back to his bedroom for a little quickie. This is what I had to deal with all the time. It was so much worse without Pope and Kie around. They didn't do it as much when they were here. But I get it. Grown men and women have needs. Must be nice to have someone to satisfy those needs whenever you want.

Get your damn head out of the gutter, J. You gotta get to know her first. Be a gentleman.

I pour two more shots and hand Kaz one of the shot glasses. "Round two?"

"Well I'd never turn down a shot", Kaz says, mocking what I said just a little bit ago.

Just as we're lifting the shot glasses to our mouths, we hear some noises come from JB's room.

"You wanna uh...maybe go sit out on the sofa on the porch?"

"I was just about to ask the same thing", she chuckled.

We relocate to the porch, both of us sitting on the sofa— a couple feet away from each other.

"I haven't been to one of the bonfires since I was 15, are they still the same?", she asks.

"I mean for the most part. Your cousin got into a little scrap last year with a Kook, though, so they look down on us even more now when we're all partying together. He got into a fight with Sarah's boyfriend at the time, Topper. And her older brother, Rafe. I don't even think Rafe will be there tonight. He hasn't shown his face outside much. Going through something, I guess. But he's a Kook, so I really don't give a fuck."

Kaz looks at me with her mouth agape like I said something I shouldn't have.


"Just didn't really expect you to say all that about the Kooks— especially the brother of your best friend's girlfriend."

"Even Sarah doesn't like Rafe. That's gotta tell you something", I laugh.

"Guess you're right. Fuck the Kooks." She holds out the tequila bottle to pour us both another shot.

"Hell yeah! Fuck them Kooks!" I hold my shot glass out to cheers with her.

Now five shots deep for both of us, Sarah and John B finally walk out to join us.

"You two have a nice little soirée in there? Started to get a little too noisy for us, so we packed up and came out here", I say while trying to hold back a roar of laughter.

"Sorry, J", Sarah replies.

"Don't be sorry. John B was in there laying down that John D." I see both of their faces turning red and know I did my job.

"Alright enough talk about our sex life. Y'all ready to go?", JB asks. We all nod in response.

"Sun's going down. We're gonna be late", Sarah says.

I walk back into the living room real quick to grab what's left in the box of twisted teas for Kaz, and the both girls' vodka bottle, and go outside.

We're obviously walking to where the bonfire's being held because we plan on getting hammered and none of us can really afford to get a DUI right now. Sarah and John B are about a hundred steps in front of us, leaving Kaz and I's slightly tipsy selves straggling behind.

After stopping for a second so Kaz could take another twisted from the box, we continue walking— and lowkey stumbling again. Kaz lazily slings her right arm around me as we're walking and I can't help but gulp.

She's intentionally touching me.

My dick started to get a little hard the very second that I felt her hand graze my neck.

"Hey. Let me tell you a secret." She whispers into my ear & I feel myself get harder with the feel of every breath hitting my ear.

"Sure. Uh y-yeah, go for it."

Real smooth, J. Nervous stuttering is really gonna help you get the girl.

"The last time I was here. I had a huuuuge crush on you, JJ. I would lay awake at night in the chateau, imagining how your hands would feel all over me. And fantasize about kissing you."

I feel my face turning a shade of red that I wasn't very familiar with. I never get flustered like this. But listening to her say this shit in detail was really turning me on.

"Well I uh...I'm flattered. I wish y-you would've told me. You know maybe uh...maybe we could've made something happen." I don't think the stutter will ever let up as long as I'm talking to her.

"Well we're both grown now. That crush was sooo three years ago." She takes her hand off of me after speaking and I feel defeated.

Why would she bring that up if she didn't feel like that now?

Suddenly, we were arriving at the bonfire. It looked like the whole damn island was already here.

Rafe's about to come innnnn, guys!!! I really hope at least one person reads this😂

𝕭𝖆𝖉 𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘 - 𝕽𝖆𝖋𝖊 𝕮𝖆𝖒𝖊𝖗𝖔𝖓Where stories live. Discover now