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Waking up, I'm hit with an immediate throbbing of my head, and the realization that I'm completely naked.

Shit. JJ and I had sex last night , it's coming back to me a little bit now.

I wish I could recollect it more than I did, but the parts that I do remember were great. I can't believe I've had a huge crush on him all these years, and now we've finally had sex. I gotta be honest, I never even thought I would have told him about my previous crush.

A wave of a flashback from last night on the beach flashed through my mind.

"I'm just not ready for a relationship right now and you deserve better than that. But I wanna get to you know, and hang out with you, and kiss you, and... fuck you."

Unfortunately for me though, after fucking him last night, my feelings for him have only been amplified. I roll over to check my phone and see that I have texts from three different people.

decided 2 go 2 dad's. gonna stay here a couple days. thx 4 last night. lookin forward to becoming closer friends.

ok. thanks 4 letting me know.

Friends. Of course.

I go back to my phone to look at the other texts.

me n Sarah went into town to pick up breakfast to bring back. see u soon.

thank u. appreciate it.

Now for the third text.

Unknown number:
meet @ tiki bar on the docks. noon.

i don't even know who tf u are. why would i meet u somewhere?

Whoever this person is, they gotta be smoking crack because what kind of random ass person texts somebody to meet up? My phone buzzing takes me out of my current train of thought.

*1 image attachment from unknown number*
there. happy?

I nearly spit out the water that I just started to take a sip of. Rafe? How the fuck did he even get my number? And why does he want to meet?

I glance up at the top right corner of my phone to look at the current time. 11:15 a.m. If I do meet with him, I'll need to get ready now. I know I probably shouldn't be doing this, but fuck it. I wrap my hair up into a messy bun on the top of my head and throw on a light blue crop top, a pair of denim shorts, and some white flip flops.

Before heading out the door, I find the nearest piece of paper— which evidently was an overdue electric bill, and a pen to leave JB a note.

"Went for a walk. Be back soon."

I lied, obviously. But I wasn't about to write "hey, went to the tiki bar to meet Sarah's coke-head psychotic brother to chat", he would immediately come and find me if I did that.

I obviously don't have a car, so I take the 4-wheeler as a means of transportation.


It's 11:45 and I'm starting to think Kaz isn't planning on showing up. I'm not sure why I even sent her that text. My plan is still to crack her shell, then ruin her once I get in. But that started with getting to know her. Which means I'll have to pretend to be someone I'm not.

I need to pretend to be interested and caring. Guess I'll see if I have any acting skills. I see Kaz approaching the bar from a few feet away.

"Well if it isn't the honorary Pogue", I say sarcastically.

"Alright, cool. I'll be leaving." She starts to turn around when I gently grab her hand and pull her back. She yanks away almost instantly.

"What the fuck did I tell you about touching me, Rafe?"

I throw my hands up in defeat.

"Hey, no harm, no foul. My bad. You hungry? Let's sit", I say.

"Everything in me is telling me not to trust this. Just know I'm only still sitting here so I can get some food."

"Works for me. I'll get us the lobster roll. Any drinks, or you hungover?"

"Not hungover, but just get me a water", she replies, unenthusiastically.

I stroll over to the counter and order our food and drinks, then walk back over to our table.

"Why the hell did you invite me here, Rafe? What sort of devilish trick you got up your sleeve?" She is pissed about coming here. It's written all over her face.

"No tricks. I just wanted to let you know that I uh...I-I'm sorry, alright? I said and did some outta pocket shit last night and I'm just...I'm really sorry, Kaz." I hope my sincerity didn't seem too fake. I need her to believe me.

"Not what I was expecting at all. But thank you for apologizing and acknowledging your mistakes. That takes a lot of courage." The way she was speaking so gently really called to my inner child and brought back a sort of spark that I didn't know I even still had.

"That's all I invited you for. You can get back to your precious little JJ now." Annoyance bit through my tone.

"We're just friends. He made that very clear to me last night. And today when I woke up to a text telling me that he was leaving the chateau for a couple days."

Damn he's just gonna get rid of her that early? They didn't seem like friends last night when they were practically seconds away from fucking in front of everyone at the bonfire.

"Damn, I'm sorry. Can't believe he'd just throw you away like that. Another girl, I could understand. But he's stupid for letting you go." I can tell she's eating up every single lie that I'm feeding to her. I'll crack that shell in no time at all. This is a hell of a lot easier than I thought it would be.

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