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"Come on. Don't be a pussy, now." Rafe is egging me on. He knows I won't back out of a dare. Especially not from an entitled ass Kook.

"Give it to me", I say, sure that whatever it is, I'll do.

"Make out with Kaz."

Well that's definitely the last thing I expected him to say.

John B and Sarah sit straight up from their relaxed positions on the sand, right outside of the circle. They weren't playing, but they were sure as hell listening now. I see them look at each other and then quickly turn their heads to look at me.

I widen my eyes to John B looking for permission. He nods his head.

I slowly turn to face Kaz and she's already staring at me. I can visibly see her chest rising and falling quicker with every second we're looking at each other. Mine is doing the same.

My lips are inching closer to hers. The more I think about kissing her, the more I think about stripping her down and making her sweat while she screams my name. My lips are almost on hers when I jerk away.

"Nah. Stupid dare anyway", I say while scooting away from Kaz. I wanted to do it so fucking bad, but I just couldn't.

"I'm gonna go put my toes in the water for a little while. I'm done with Rafe's dumb ass game. Thanks for nothing, Rafe." She spit her hate filled words out with intention.

Rafe put his hand to his head and gave Kaz a salute, so as to tell her "you're welcome" in his sarcastic, douchebag manner.

As I watch Kaz walk away to dip her toes in the ocean away from all of us, I feel so guilty. I need to talk to her. To explain myself. She at least deserves that much.

I get up and brush the sand off the bottom of my legs and make my way over toward her.

"Kaz, I just-"

"I really don't feel like talking right now, JJ."

I threw my head back. She was hurt because of what I did.

"Listen I know you don't care, but let me explain." She rolled her eyes.

"I didn't go through with it because I know I wouldn't be able to stop, Kaz. I want you. So fucking bad. But I'm not ready for a relationship and you deserve better than that. I do wanna get to know you, and hang out with you, and kiss you, and...fuck you."

"So instead of saying that back there, you decided to just humiliate me in front of everyone here when it's my first time back in years?"

"When you word it like that, I do see how that looks, yeah. I wasn't thinking. Come here." I hold out my hand for her to grab.

"Where, JJ? What are you doing?"

"Making sure you don't feel humiliated anymore and showing you how bad I want you." I lead her back over toward the bonfire, but not all the way over, just much closer, to a place I know that everyone will be able to see.

I run my hand down her face and end up with it around her neck, pulling her into me. Our lips crash together with fiery passion. Our tongues moving in perfect sync.

"Woooo! Atta boy, J! I knew my boy wouldn't back down from a dare", I hear John B yell from over by the fire, knowing that made everyone look.

I move Kaz so her back is facing them, so I can do what I'm about to do without everyone seeing. We keep kissing, getting sloppier by the second. I take my hand off her neck and trail it down her body, causing her to shiver. My hand reaches her skirt and I struggle, but eventually get it unbuttoned, followed by the zipper.

"J. The people", she says.

"They can't see this. And honestly, I don't give a fuck. Do you?" I wait for her response before going any further.

"No. Do it."

Just what I wanted to hear.

I slid my pointer finger into her skirt, under her panties and was met with what felt like a fucking ocean.

"You're dripping, Kaz. Fuck." I could feel my dick getting hard through my cargo shorts. We continue kissing and I slip my finger into her hole, sliding in and out with ease because of how wet she is.

"Jayj. Oh my god", she moans into my mouth.

I take my finger out and remove it from under her skirt, making sure to zip and button the skirt back up.

I take the same finger that was just buried in her pussy and insert it into my mouth, licking the juices off. I had to taste her. After licking her juices off my finger, I knew she would become my new favorite meal.

As we stop kissing, I can see a tall figure approaching us. That can only be one person.

"Looks like that marriage is gonna happen a lot sooner than you thought, huh?" Rafe says, in a petty manner.

"Go get the keys to the chateau from John B", Kaz says to me. Damn she's kinda extra hot when she's being demanding. I listened and walked back over to the bonfire.

"JB, gonna need the keys to the chateau, brother. We got some business to finish."

"Okay, so I'm gonna pretend like you didn't just tell me you were going back to my house to have sex with my cousin, because I don't need that thought in my head. Meet you back there. Me and Sarah are gonna stay here for a couple more hours", he says back to me.

As I'm walking back toward Kaz with the keys, I can't help but overhear the conversation her and Rafe are having.

"Listen I don't know what kind of fucked up game you're playing, but I'm not a pawn in it. What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"You know, maybe it's all that coke I do. Because I'm such a fuck up."

I'm grabbing Kaz's hand and walking away with her when she yells "fuck you" to Rafe.

"Oh, you will. Once you get sick of that Pogue dick, you'll come begging for what I got."

My fists immediately clench and I run back over to Rafe. Kaz tries to stop me but she's unsuccessful.

"Don't fucking talk to her like that, bro", I say.

"Or what? You're not gonna fight me cuz daddy already beat you up enough this week." When Rafe is turning to walk away, I turn him back around, slamming my fist into his face, knocking him into the sand.

I walk back over to Kaz because I know he's too high to stand back up right now.

"This isn't over, JJ!" Rafe shouts as I'm walking away from the fire, back to the chateau with Kaz.

𝕭𝖆𝖉 𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘 - 𝕽𝖆𝖋𝖊 𝕮𝖆𝖒𝖊𝖗𝖔𝖓Where stories live. Discover now