Chapter 7 - Bane of Creed

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"There isn't much to tell sir, and to be honest I don't really know why I'm in this unit." Gates said, (Y/n)'s eyes suddenly flying up from the file on the table. As far as she had been made aware, M Platoon was made up exclusively of mutants, so how a, as Sanchez called them "normal", had got into the platoon and had not yet been run off by Creed, she had no idea.

"Are you telling me that you aren't a....... that you don't have abilities like everyone else in this platoon?" (Y/n) enquired, as she stared incredulously at the handsome brunette.

"Well, I do sir, yes; but I've been told that it's not a very useful.......well not a very useful ability, as you call it." Gates explained, as (Y/n) finally found the piece of paper that informed her of the man's particular skill.

"It says here that you can manipulate plants; and let me guess that the person that told you that your particular talent wasn't of any use, was Creed. Right?" (Y/n) asked, groaning loudly as Gates nodded his head.

(Y/n) finally knew that it wasn't herself that she had to protect from Creed, that he didn't have to undermine her or her command to bring this troop to its knees. There didn't seem to be one man that she had spoken to so far that hadn't been told he wasn't good enough by the feral. One man that hadn't suffered somehow by his hand; but the only thing that (Y/n) couldn't understand was why he would want to bring the platoon down from the inside. It was a group of mutants just like him, and given his seeming dislike for non-mutants, she had no idea why he would want to end up in a normal platoon, or even worse, prison; but that was a question that would have to wait for another time.

(Y/n) smiled as she reached her hand into the bottom draw, and brought out the bottle and two glasses, pouring two drinks and offering one to Gates who took it happily. Finally she had found her way in, found her way to undermine Creed, a way to bring the platoon together and get them to work as a team. As difficult as it was going to be in her current form, it was clear that she would have to become a mother hen, supporting the other's as much as she could. Proving to them that they were stronger than Creed, that together they could cause more trouble for the feral than he had ever known. And even though in her own form she was as young as these men, as Captain Black she was slightly older, a strong hand that could support and lead the men. A strong hand that would make Creed eventually bow to her orders.

"Says here that you can make plants grow instantaneously, manipulate trees, control spores and pollen, and use plant chemicals to heal, I'd say that was a very useful ability, Gates." (Y/n) told him, drinking back the brown liquid in the glass as Gates did the same.

"Yes I can, I can do all that, but Sarg says it's useless. Cos I don't have claws or can shoot like the twins, or control fire like Caine, or I'm not huge like Dekker, he says that I don't deserve to be in M Platoon with others that have proper mutations." Gates explained, as he reached out his empty glass for the Captain to refill, as she offered him the bottle.

"Well, Gates, I would suggest that your powers are just as useful as Caine's, or Strong's, or any of the others, Creed included. I have learnt that even the smallest gift can create the biggest storm. That a power that may seem useless to others could be the one that makes or breaks a battle. Come over here." (Y/n) said, signalling for Gates to join her at the window, the two men looking out onto a small patch of ground where the other men seem to be congregating after their meetings with the new XO.

"Do you see that patch of grass over there, I want you to make it grow. I want you to make it about a six foot high." (Y/n) ordered, laughing as instantly the grass grew, the other men jumping out of their skins as the delicate green blades enveloped them without warning.

"Gates, I would say that that is one hell of a mutation, and that is the best laugh I have had all day, I think that you just scared the shit outta Sanchez." (Y/n) chuckled, as she patted Gates on the back watching as the other mutants escaped the lush expanse of grass that had just appeared from nowhere.

"You really think that I can help, Captain?" Gates asked, as (Y/n) continued to chuckle at the other men outside.

"Gates, if you can do all that you say you can, then I can think of a great number of possibilities for your abilities. Just promise me that you won't listen to Creed anymore, because it has become more than obvious that he has his head so far up his own ass that he could kiss his tonsils." (Y/n) told the man, patting the man's shoulder again reassuringly as she made her way back to sit in her chair.

"Yes sir, I can do that sir." Gates, replied with a grin as he downed what was left of his drink and stood to attention, saluting before he left the room.

(Y/n) shook her head as Gates closed the door, annoyed that another mutant would undermine their fellows like Creed seemed to do. Life was hard enough as it was for mutants; most of the general public were shielded from the knowledge of their existence. The government seeming to think that if everyone knew that people with special abilities existed, then there may be a mass panic, like Orson Wells had caused 1938 with his War of the Worlds broadcast. The populous scared that mutants would want to take over the world, something which was far from the truth.

Most mutants just wanted to live a quiet normal life like everyone else. (Y/n) herself had never really used her gift until a special agent from the government had come to recruit her for the war effort.

America, despite what they outwardly said about the war in Europe not being their problem, had secretly been finding people with gifts just in case the war had ever come to their shores. And when it had, (Y/n) along with others of her kind had been activated. Their skills intended to be used for special missions that may require something a little more than just your regular GI.

With a sigh, (Y/n) shook the images of home from her mind. She had a job to do here. They all had a job to do over here. And she knew that she had to do what was needed so that one day she and everyone else could return home, hopefully safely.

Looking down at the desk, she saw that she had four more files, one of which belonged to Creed. Despite knowing that she was making him wait until last, she now couldn't wait to meet the feral, and not for any good reason. 

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