Chapter 15 - Hope for a better tomorrow

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"I'll figure it out. And when I do..........." Victor called out, as he watched the platoon's new commanding officer walk away from him.

"Yeah, I know. And until you do, I am gonna be a pain in your ass, Creed. So, get used to seeing this face every time you turn around........." The sargent growling under his breath, as the captain called back, not even bothering to look at him as he left him standing under the moonlight.

He still stood by what he had told Jim, there was something weird about the other man's smell; something that he could smell again in the night air. And it wasn't the fact that the damn shape shifter had been able to turn into not only him, but also that big dummy, Dekker; no, it was something completely different. Though what the hell it was.......yet he was sure that it was right there, gnawing at his brain, and he didn't like it. He didn't like it at all. But given what had happened earlier, Vic knew that he was stuck with this new officer, for a while, at least. Though given that the rest of the men had rushed into the XO's office at the sound of the fight between them, something that had never happened with any other commanding officer; it would appear that he might just have to learn to deal with this one. Not that he was going to like it, and he would be sure to make his displeasure felt whenever he got the chance. Victor huffing to himself, as the captain made his way into the office. The sargent turning and heading towards his own billet, muttering about the shape shifter's comment, about making a real soldier out of him yet.


Damn ferals. Out of all the mutants there were in the world, she had to get stuck with not just one, but two of the damn things. The captain cursing at the heightened senses of Creed, as she made her way through the office and into the small bedroom; pulling the shutters closed, before taking a seat on the bed, pulling off her jacket, then transforming back into her own form. A sigh of relief filling the room, as she flopped back on the bed, whose springs made the most god-awful sound when she moved. It had been a while since she had had to be someone else for any length of time, and she had forgotten how good it felt to turn back into herself. But as much as she would like to be herself all the time, today had made it more than clear that she needed to take things one step at a time; that showing that she was a shape shifter was enough for the first day. And given that Creed was obviously going to have a hard enough time taking orders from Captain John Black, she could only imagine how much worse it would be if he knew that she was a woman. But what did she care, she wasn't there to give a damn about what Creed liked or didn't like. Hell, she wasn't there to give a damn about what any of the men under her command, liked. She was there to hone them into the best company she could, and that was what she was going to do. Come hell or high water, that was what she was going to do, even if she had to be John Black for the rest of the war. Though what the colonel had planned for all of them once she had made kicked them up the ass.........well, she would have to deal with that, when it presented itself.

Slowly, she got up from the bed and made her way over to a small basin, above which sat a wall mirror. (Y/n) staring at her reflection, sure that she had aged at least a decade, since she had arrived at the camp. The shape shifter hating to think about how she would look, after a few more days of dealing with the bunch of mutant misfits that she had had dumped on her. But, she had never been one to back down from a challenge, and this was most certainly going to be a challenge; the real business of running the platoon, starting tomorrow. And she was still to meet the camp commander, which was something that she was not looking forward to; the lieutenant, Sanchez, Novak and Gates already having informed her that the commander, one Roger Douglas, had made it quite clear that he did not like mutants. And in fact, thought that they should all be interned for the duration of the war, just in case. (Y/n) deciding that as far as the commander was concerned, she would continue to make out that she had no abilities, unless the colonel had made note of it in her file.

With a sigh, she moved the suspenders from her shoulders and then pulled the shirt from her pants. Said pants simply falling to the floor now that the uniform was far bigger than she needed for her normal female form. She would have to take notice of the showers for the officers, in the morning. Choosing the best time for her ablutions, when there was no one else there. It one thing having to deal with the male form that she had taken; but another to be surrounded with goodness knows how many other naked men. Not that she was a prude, but having to see it all that before breakfast, would probably put her off her food. (Y/n) reminding herself to get Schultz to check up on that, once he, Dekker and Gorsky, had come to the office. But for now, all she wanted to do was sleep. To sleep and hope that Dekker didn't break what was left in her office, and that the demonstrations of the men's abilities, went without a hitch. The captain taking an old shirt from her bag and pulling it over her head, before turning out the dim light and climbing into the small bed. 

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