Chapter 12 - Shapeshifter

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A broad smile drew up her lips, as she dodged the flying furniture and Creed's first swipe, then his second. She hadn't wanted to reveal what she was, this early, or at all; but given what she had just said to the feral, it was obvious that she now had no choice. As a shapeshifter, she had no real extra abilities, other than those she gained when she took the form of another mutant; though she had found that she could maintain those abilities for some time, even when she became herself again, or took the form of another. And as the sargent backed her into a corner, now seemed as good a time as any to take on another form and prove to Creed that she was not going to back down. That she was more than prepared to fight. The captain instantly changing from John Black into an exact copy of Creed. The feral mutant taking a few steps back, as he looked at the mirror image of himself. The captain sending him one of his own smiles, before lunging at him.


The men that were grouped together outside the makeshift office and quarters of their new XO, looked at one another as they heard a loud crash come from inside the captain's room; this was what they had all expected, when Creed had made his way onto the building. It obvious that the sargent was not only unhappy about having to wait to be seen; but also, that a new commanding officer had been sent to them. The whole platoon making their way to the wooden building as they had planned, yet it was Howlett that was the first one to the door. The feral banging on the ingress and calling out, before kicking open the door, and he, with the others behind him, rushed into the room. All of them stopping as they saw not one Creed, but two. The pair rolling around on the floor, both covered in bleeding cuts that slowly healed before being replaced by others. All of them, but one, as Sanchez had been given a preview of his new commanding officer's abilities on the drive to the camp, staring in disbelief, as one of the Creeds suddenly turned into Dekker; the uniform on his body ripping as he became the much bigger man and pinned the sargent to the floor. It obvious that despite the increased strength of the feral, it could not rival the strength and sheer solid weight of the big Nebraska boy, when coupled with his own strength that (Y/n) had retained, despite the change.

"One more move Creed, and no matter the strings that Howlett pulls, you will be out of here. Attacking a superior officer will get you locked up; and with your record, I think you will find it will be for some time. Though as you just tried to kill me, I believe we might even be looking at a death penalty; for which I would be recommending something a little more than the noose. From what I have read, decapitation is one of the only ways of getting rid of you." The new Dekker growled, as he continued to pin the struggling Victor to the floor. The other men in the room looking between one another and Howlett, before going back to just quietly watching the interaction.

"Now, as I told you, you have two choices, work with me and get to kill nazis; or I will help the MPs drag you away, personally. Like I said, Creed. I am in charge; this is my platoon, now." Creed glaring at her defiantly, despite the fact that she was sure he was struggling to breath under the weight of her current form. Another large smile making its way onto her face, as the big feral closed his eyes and nodded slowly. The Dekker copy pulling himself from the form of Creed and getting to his feet.

"Good.........." (Y/n) changing herself back into the image she had taken for John Black. Glad at that moment, that the form was that of a man, as what little was left of the uniform that had ripped during her shift, fell from her body. (Y/n) holding out her hand and helping a reluctant Creed from the floor.

"You owe me not only a door, but you will clean up this office and make it appear as though nothing happened. Do you understand?" She asked, as the big feral looked at her. Victor just nodding again, before the captain turned her attention to the astonished men in the room.

"And you.......none of you will say anything about what just happened here; this is between us, and only us. We watch one another's backs; we don't give any of them out there, anything to use against us. We are a platoon; we are M Platoon, and our business stays our business until I say so. Now........." The captain continued, before she looked down at her almost completely naked male body.

"If you boys don't mind, I need a new uniform." (Y/n) making her way into the adjoining room and closing the door behind her. Yet another smile making its way onto her lips, as she pushed her back against the flimsy ingress. She still doubted that Creed would suddenly turn into a supportive force; sure, that just like the platoon was to the General, he would continue to be a thorn in her side. But she had won the first battle; she had shown Creed what she could do, that he couldn't scare her off like he did with Drake. That, and she had brought the others together. The men all coming in as a group, not as individuals, to see what was going on between her and the sargent. The shapeshifter getting the feeling that if she hadn't been able to deal with the situation as she had, then they might have stepped up and dealt with the feral, for her. (Y/n) hoping that this was a preview of things to come. That from now on, they would start to work together. But all that would wait for tomorrow and the little demonstrations of her new men's abilities. For now though, she needed that new uniform and to make sure that her disruptive feral sargent, fixed her damn office.  

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