Chapter 8 - The pact

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"Sir." A voice suddenly came. (Y/n) jumping slightly, as she looked up to see a head poking through the wall.

"What the hell..........!? DOOR!" She exclaimed, as she pointed to the wooden ingress. The man nodding his head before disappearing; only to reappear through the still closed door.

"Walsh, sir. Mackenzie Walsh. My ability is phasing..........." The new man informed her, as he saluted.

"Yeah, I think I worked that one out for myself Walsh, when you stuck your head through my wall. And the next time you come to my office; you will not only knock first, but you will physically turn the handle and actually open the door to come in. Do you understand........?" (Y/n) asked, as she looked up at the rather unassuming, dark-haired man. The man with the impressive Texan accent, nodding his head, before moving to the chair that his superior officer pointed at. (Y/n) grabbing his file and opening it. Her eyes scanning over the details, before she closed it and looked back up at him.

"So, phasing. Quite an interesting ability. Tell me, Walsh, how did you discover your little talent?" She asked, as she leaned her arms on the desk, wondering what issues this guy might bring with him.

"I'm afraid it ain't much of a story really. My parents own a ranch, and one day I was out on my horse trying to find a cow that had got separated from the rest of the herd. After an hour or so, I heard some noises, and I made my way up to this rocky outcrop; and while making my way around it, my horse got spooked by a rattlesnake and threw me over its head. But instead of hitting the rocks like I'd expected to, I........well, I went through them, sir............"

"Well, that must have been a surprise." (Y/n) chuckled, as she leant back in her chair.

"And one heck of a way to find out that you are special. Though, you aren't the first person to discover their abilities when they are in danger, and about to get hurt. So.........we know you can pass through rock and the walls of my office; that means you should be able to move through reinforced bunkers, yes?" Walsh nodding at her question.

"Excellent. But what about other objects; other people? I see that you are still fully clothed, which means you can bring that material through; but what about guns, grenades........your fellow soldiers............" (Y/n) continued. A smile making its way onto her lips, as he nodded again.

"As long as I am in contact with the item or person, I can bring them through too. But if I let go.........well, then they're stuck........."

"Show me." (Y/n) suddenly interrupted, as she grabbed a pencil from her bag, and held it out for Walsh to take.

"Go outside and come back in through the wall." She continued. Walsh taking the pencil and quickly making his way back outside. The captain smiling broadly, as the private moved through the way, yet the pencil didn't. (Y/n) getting to her feet and making her way to where half of the pencil jutted out into the office. A loud laugh coming from her lips, as she turned to look at Walsh.

"That is one hell of a talent, private. You are going to prove to be exceptionally useful." She continued, patting him on the back, as she made her way back to her desk.

"Now, get your ass out of here, and send in this private Gorski........" Walsh nodding again, before saluting and then jogging out of the office. (Y/n) laughing to herself once more, as she looked at the pencil sticking out of the wall.

Part of her couldn't understand why these men weren't already being utilised by the army. Each and every one that she had met, would be of benefit to any unit. Would be of benefit in the field of battle. Each and every one, if used properly, was dangerous in their own way; yet the bigger part of her knew, that it was because they were dangerous, that they were here, instead of doing something more. That because the powers that be, knew that people would be scared, that people would not know how to deal with those that had abilities like they did, they had plumped them all together and created a bigger problem than they could have imagined. But if she could do what she had promised she could do, this platoon.......her platoon, M Platoon, would be the most worthwhile to set foot into war. (Y/n) calling out, as a knock came to the door.


"Gorski, ya up..........." Walsh said, as he moved to join the rest of the platoon, who still stood by the overgrow grass that Gates had previously made grow. It only Creed and Howlett that stood apart. Howlett rolling his eyes and chewing on his stogie, as Creed paced up and down, muttering under his breath.

"How do ya think it'll go between the new cap and Creed when he gets in there?" Novak asked, as he and the others watched the sargent. Lutz grumbling, as Sanchez grabbed one of the cigarettes from his packet.

"Well, if ya ask me, I don't think that he'll be able to run him off like he did with Drake." Sanchez said, as he pulled some tobacco from his tongue.

"What makes ya think that? You know what he thinks about these normals that think can command us. Creed'll want this one gone, just like Drake......."

"Yeah, and look where that got us." Solomon Gold interrupted Novak: speaking before Sanchez could say anything about the new XO not being as normal as he might appear.

"Down at the bottom of the barrel with no one wanting to touch us. I don't know what Creed's issue is, but I joined up to fight; to actually do something rather than being treated like crap by every other platoon and officer here. I say if this Captain Black can deliver what he's promised, we should give him a chance, and not let Creed run him off." Solomon added, his twin brother nodding his head in agreement.

"Yeah, Creed might be a badass, but if we all come together and support the Cap, they'll be nothing he can do. There are thirteen of us, and if we can get Sargent Howlett on our side, he won't stand a chance" Sanchez agreed. The Corporal already more than happy to see what their new commanding officer could do. What the shapeshifter might be able to make out of them. The rest of them nodding in agreement, just waiting for Gorski to finish his meeting with the new captain, before they told him what they had decided. 

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